Well guys and girls, it has been 12 days. I just wanted to post a - TopicsExpress


Well guys and girls, it has been 12 days. I just wanted to post a few things about Jacob. If you were at the funeral, you heard some of this. The prayer warriors were awesome. I am so thankful for you. If we hadnt had your prayers, and Gods help, we would not have made the whole experience. Especially the 8 1/2 months in Cincinnati. Jacob was a very special boy in many ways. He was a giver, and real compassionate about other peoples needs. About 2 weeks before he was hospitalized, he was learning tithing. My mom, Maw to him, was sending money to children in Haiti. Jacob wanted to give his tithe. They counted his money. His total would be .35. Maw told him that she had included the total in her check. He said no, that he wanted to send his own. He and I taped the change to an index card, put in an envelope. He walked to the mailbox, and mailed it himself. While in Cincinnati, Maw was sponsoring a specific boy, and girl. Jacob wanted to help with them too. This was while he was very sick. He didnt want other children to be hungry, and hurting. Jacob rarely complained, and had a positive attitude. His 7th birthday was a Doctor/Nurse party. He was under isolation. One of his favorite Dr.s wore a Rafael face mask. He even kept it afterwards. He wore it around other children to cheer them up. I think Jacob brightened so many lives. I miss him greatly, of course. But, at the beginning, he was hurting so bad that he wanted to go be with Jesus. Since the tumor was so large, there was very little of Jacobs liver left. This was more painful than before. The doctors had told us all terrible things that could happen at the end. Jacob was under no pain. The chaplain had come in to talk to him, and sang him a song. At the end of that song, he took his final breath. He smiled with a smile on his face. I had never seen that before. It was beautiful. He is now with Jesus, with no more pain. No more worries, or heart aches. No more disappointments, or sadness. He is in a perfect place. I told him shortly before he passed, that I loved him. I told him that Jesus was waiting for him, with no more pain. He is their standing tall, and strong. As one of the songs that was sang at the funeral, I gave all. He gave all to change the world. I pray that he did just that. My heart will ache for eternity, but am thankful he doesnt have to suffer anymore. Please continue to be a prayer warrior. Just be one for me, and my family. It is a very hard journey for us. The past one, and what is to come. You have been so great. You have been blessings as well. Thank all of you. I will keep this site open, if anyone wants to follow any other things about Jacob, or his family. God bless all of you.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:32:29 +0000

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