Well helloooooo!! Its time for the: New Years Eve Alphabet Pop - TopicsExpress


Well helloooooo!! Its time for the: New Years Eve Alphabet Pop Quiz!! Youre out having drinks with friends. You get slightly tipsy but arent drunk and its time to go home. You: A. Call a cab. B. Call a friend whos sober. C. Call your designated driver Jeeves and hope he has a sense of humour. D. Take public transit. E. Drunkenly walk home, taking selfies with everyone you meet. F. Take the Yonge St bus for shits and giggles. G. Fall asleep on the Yonge St bus. Because drunk. H. Grab your keys and drive home because youre only tipsy and youre a really good driver and its no big deal, youll just drive slowly. I. Slap yourself silly for even thinking of choosing H. and instead pass out at a friends place. J. Do cartwheels down Queen St. K. Hire a horse and carriage to carry you home. L. Nickname your friend Joe and Jason Horse and Carriage. M. Hire a cab to take you to Pickering to drive-by high-five me, and then go home. N. Ride your bicycle. O. Hire one of those rickshaws. But give the guy a fifty because its cold out and you were probably a little belligerent. P. Call your parents and ask them to drive you home. Q. Remember your parents are in Florida until April. Apologize for calling them so late. R. Call for a pizza and tip the pizza guy big time because now he has to spend the strike of midnight with your drunk self. S. Call your best friend, whos married with toddler twins, and ask him if you can sleep over. As punishment for calling so late, hell say yes. Good luck getting the sharpie off your face tomorrow morning. His kids drew a picture of your drooling face on your drooling face. T. Sing Auld Lange Syne with me while riding the 504 Queen car. U. Hug your streetcar driver and tell them you love them. They are, after all, working and getting you home safely. V. Wave at The Horsies and salute the officers. Who are also working and making sure youre safe. W. Please please please dont hug the Horsies. Officers, while a friendly species, are on duty. They dont want to hug your annoyingly drunk self. Trust me. X. You could thank them, though, and tell them you appreciate the job theyre doing and then walk home. Did you bring your scarf and mitts? Y. Stop in at the 7/11 or Macs, wish the man in the store a happy new year, calmly buy yourself a coffee, and wait for your cab, get home safely, and Facebook about how amazing your night was. Z. Choose any letter other than H. Whatever you do choose, dont drink and drive, my friends. Its not worth it. One drink is one drink too many. Have a safe night, enjoy yourself, and Ill see you in the New Year. xoxo
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:26:23 +0000

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