Well here I am up an hour before I got up!!!!!!! Thought I had - TopicsExpress


Well here I am up an hour before I got up!!!!!!! Thought I had all the bases covered---set my clocks back--even my watch was set back. Failed to realize that since I am retired---I am now on KIDNEY TIME!!! Got tired early last night which I thought was good. But for some reason my mind decided it wanted to know exactly what time my Anatomic Clock would change---so I forced myself to stay awake for that exact moment. Guess what???? 2:01am 2:02 2:03 and on--it stayed the same---I nodded off and woke up at 3:12am and it was 2:12am---Darn I have to wait til Spring now!!!!! : - { 34 P/Cloudy Vis-5.0M Wnd-Calm Hmd-95% DP-33 BP-30.21R N.Webster 4.37ft at 4am same as last night Oswego----5.80ft at 4am down from 5.82 last night Ora---------6.08ft at 4am up from 6.04ft last night Winamac---4.23ft at 4am up from 4.21ft last night Norway Dam flow 807cfs at 4am down from 882cfs last night Lake Shafer is at 645.09ft and only .04ft above min height required and down from 645.12ft last night. Oakdale Dam flow 916cfs at 4am up from 814cfs last night Lake Freeman is at 610.33ft and .27ft under max height allowed and up from 610.31ft last night. POACHERS working the river again Saturday---watched one guy catch and keep 4 Wipers in 30 minutes that would go 6 to 10 lbs each and was still fishing for hours after that and hours before I watched him do it. Legal limit is 2 fish over 17 There were 10 people fishing in an area that was 10ft wide--taking turns. This was reported to DNR but due to Cel phone reception I had to text and could have got lost in the shuffle I guess. A lot of these fish are a fish of a Lifetime for many and a few are stacking them up like cordwood and robbing everyone else of the chance to catch them. Tight Line and God Bless----Taking my kidneys back to bed!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:05:39 +0000

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