Well here goes! Everyone wants to know what the answer is with the - TopicsExpress


Well here goes! Everyone wants to know what the answer is with the epidemic of addiction an abuse that has swallowed up so many. There is no answer! But I do have several questions? Is it the lack of God at home or the lack of respect we show for either! Is it the broken family! Or the society that decided to overlook their neighbors! Really lets be honest when is the last time you helped someone when you saw they had a need! When did you ask hey how are you today and actually cared! We have made ourselves into a society where those who try and help others are only talked about like they are only in it I for them! The truth about the drug problem and the abuse that is a plague in America has very little to do with illegal substances, but the lack of respect we show one another our parents friends and elders. We cant stop what we dont understand!! But we can start making a difference in each others lives and the lives of those around us by remembering to say hello lifting our fellow man up sharing hope with those who have never had anything but discouragement! Show love to those who have only known hate! Show respect to those who have only put down! I know that we can overcome what the world tells us we have to be slow down fathers be better examples mothers show more love and somewhere in the middle I believe we can show that together in love hope truth and respect we can make a difference! Love those who we have hated! Respect those who have been out down! We can defeat the addiction by being mentors, good neighbors, and closer friends with all of those around us! This goes out to the mom dad sister brother that is fighting to hold their head up! A little change in ourselves can make the biggest difference in the world! Be active support one another become close to someone who is alone talk to the guy on the street say Merry Christmas can I help you thank you and you welcome! We must find faith in one another!!! Hospitality a good hand shake! Get involved and dont walk away stay involved make a difference where no one else has tried and even if you fall dust your self up and as your on way back to your feet help another to theirs! So what is he answer I believe it is core values in the home parents who work together even if they arent together friends who never give up on one another! And for me it has been a great and powerful support group I am so very glad for my church family and my family at home! But it is not enough just to have a support group full of wonderful folks it is being active in your church community 4h FFA wherever you take action but thats it positive actions will never turn out negative unless we let them I hope that all who read this to the end understand this is not about the problems in our country but the lack of good morals and active ppl go out do something or just set around and complain! There you go Kimmy Rogers and several others that have asked my opinion bout this subject
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 00:53:31 +0000

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