Well, here goes my saga for my quest for a Boston marathon - TopicsExpress


Well, here goes my saga for my quest for a Boston marathon qualifying time. Apparently you need to run at an 8:30 pace to run a 3:55 marathon. That is what the 3:55 pacer lady said anyway. When she said that I should have said forget it I’ll run at my pace right then and there but of course I didn’t so I started out way too fast. The biggest mistake you can make when racing. Then to make matters worse I developed a hip flexor muscle pain in my left leg at mile 10 and it got progressively worse as the race went on. Sitting down has never felt so good as when I finished this race since it relieves the strain on those muscles. I sit all day for work so it’s not surprising that I developed this problem because sitting a lot causes these muscles to shorten. I need to incorporate hip flexor muscle stretches into my routine. I knew that beforehand…mistake number two. Have I mentioned how much I hate running in the wind? If not, well I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. With everything being said I ended up with a 3rd best time again. 4:31:44 give or take a few seconds. Such goes running, you have good days and you have bad days. But I finished so I consider it a victory because I was in so much pain at mile 24 that I really, really just wanted to sit down a cry. Thank you everyone for the well wishes! Im now going to consume mass quantities of Chinese food.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:15:20 +0000

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