Well here is my take on Obamas speech. We know he is a great - TopicsExpress


Well here is my take on Obamas speech. We know he is a great orator or he would not be President for two terms. Some things he said were great like going after ISIS wherever they are. Which has been a mandate by our Joints Chiefs of Staff. He promises tax breaks for the middle class. However, he failed to point out that the debt we have will be paid by the middle class because there are more workers in that class. He is going to tax the shit out of the rich folks. Hooray. However, the rich folks hire people, poor people dont. He skirted many issues but I was really impressed by him telling the nation that our Veterans will be taken care of. However, since I am a first hand veteran I can truly say that the V A waits until you are nearly destitute to do anything. It took three decades for them to agree to give me a hearing loss stipend every month. It should have been for the last 49 years. I am currently at war with them for my frostbite issues suffered in Korea back in 1966. I have had both plantar ligament release surgerys that I paid for. I will be having surgery next week on my left foot in the area where I was shot back in 1966. There is no record of me being shot because I was in the DMZ in North Korea. I was a surveyor and I was surveying in new land mine positions.To verify that I was there would, at that time, be considered an act of war. I am still thinking positive about it all after Obamas speech tonight because if they deny me again I will ask the DAV to listen to his speech, and finally take care of my issues. In pain, but would serve again. Would I take a bullet for any Commander in Chief. Yes, but not one that would kill me because the pain I have had over so many decades is killing me already. Obama sucks, and lies.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:22:35 +0000

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