Well here is the blog entry which for some VERY strange reason is - TopicsExpress


Well here is the blog entry which for some VERY strange reason is the only page on our thefreeenergypartyuk.webs site that wont load....hmmmmm ??? Anyway The Fairy steps that became a Giants Footprint Last Sunday, as most of you know, we launched a fact finding event on our facebook page to see who wanted to become involved with the Share of the Harvest concept, The Community Supported Agriculture and Energy Projects. I would just like to say WOW.... YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!!!! The response is phenomenal. From all over the world people have expressed their desire to be included and involved, with offers from legal guidance, marketing, engineering, construction, materials as well as the man power to make this happen. Spurred on by you all I contacted my local council regarding some land that has been earmarked in my neighbourhood for light industrial hoping that they may refer an alternative proposal. Apparently that is still being decided on. However to my great delight for all of us i was informed that next to the land i had enquired about was 30 acres of arable farming that the estates office had been discussing about what to do with that morning!! Loving the synchronicity at work I asked in which way would be the best way to propose the idea of the Share of the Harvest, which the lady I spoke to had enthused about. Armed with that angle I sent an email. In return for the 5 hours contributed to the project the households will receive a third of the organic produce the project creates and the energy that the devices and solars create will be fed into the grid on behalf of the participants. Cutting their energy bills. A fair trade for human energy we think instead of minimum wage!!! The second third is distributed amongst the community that cannot assist physically through health or age, although we believe everyone has something of value to offer, in experience, knowledge etc. The third third will be sold to supermarkets and distributed through a network to make organic food accessible and bring the price down overall for everyone. The profits of which will be used to sustain the project making it a non profit system and or setting up housing structures for those that need it. They mentioned rent for the land and my reply to that was the value outweighs any short term monetary gain. The people of the community will be instantly healthier through accessing nutritional food and less of a drain on local, council paid for services, such as NHS, doctors etc. the local businesss will have less days lost to sickness and if that wsnt enough we coould negotiate a share in the profits of the third share that will be sold into the shops and stores to bring the price of organic food down for all, however i would prefer that this money was spent on housing the homeless. The momentum has grown so much so quickly that the number of emails is in the hundreds, I promise, I will get back to you all collectively tonight. I went to a meeting in Westbourne and the response was again one of enthusiasm and positivity. It also meant we made contacts that are proving incredibly beneficial to the cause. We have Luna from the Sonic cafe in Boscombe who has offered us a free Energy Radio station / Podcast. We also have a contact now for and in the Christchurch area. We have people offering to be Project Managers in Isle of Wight. Southampton. Suffolk. Cornwall. Scotland. Wales and Winchester, We have Nick St Clair in London who has graciously offered us anything at all he can help us with and he is man of many, many talents. Please see the Youtube video A Day in the Life of a Lumberjack, very enlightening, entertaining and shocking all at the same time. We have people who have felt written off by society giving their energy to making leaflets and also made a connection with the Swedish Free Party who share our ethos offering to do our promotional posters. Not to forget the amazing people who have offered their assistance also which we are meeting on Wednesday to discuss further. Then there are my neighbours. Well, my feet feel like i have walked a thousand miles, but the enthusiasm and inspiration and desire to make the changes teamed with the level of awareness that these people have, has dulled any pain whatsoever. I have knocked on doors and invited these wonderful human beings,being human, to our meetings and to become involve and it was one of the most incredible experiences i have witnessed. The sense of relief that here was a workable solution was tangible and the conversations were uplifting and so enthusiastic that this has taken on an energy all of its own. I was asked what do i get out of it at one door and this stopped me in my tracks midflow... I asked In what way? they must be paying you to say this I laughed incredulously. No money in the world could give me the feeling that this is. To make a difference to people and the planet and our children is something no amount of money could compensate me for. My pay off.. Organic food, Free Energy, Loving and caring about people and having an opportunity to demonstrate that, knowing my life may have made a difference...I dont know what else there is ..?! They put their name down So that was signature number 59 in Bearwood and surrounding areas. Merley I am getting to you and Kinson. We have been invited to approach the schools and associations and local garden centres have offered us materials. Using this intention please let me know who wants a leaflet template. Get out there knock some doors, speak to people and we can do this together people. People are ready. Love and light and Universal energy xx
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:47:43 +0000

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