Well, here is the year end gratitude post. This year has been - TopicsExpress


Well, here is the year end gratitude post. This year has been hell on me. 2 surgeries, one that was life threatening. Made it through both and am better than ever. Im so grateful to feel healthy and for those that got me here. Neither were easy, and the second one was the worst experience of my life. After the first surgery, my girlfriend and I broke up. When it rains, it pours. hahaha. I was not doing well mentally at all. Almost suicidal. Around that time, Janus added me to this group which forced me to quit feeling sorry for myself and start finding things that I am grateful for. It worked. I started seeing things in a different light. Then another surgery popped up that was life threatening and I was rushed off into surgery. Yet, I still found things to be grateful for and despite the pain I was in, I found life to be good still. Focusing on gratitude I believe was a big help to me and helped get me through. Im coming up on my one year anniversary at work too! Im so grateful for my job and the best boss Ive ever had!! Hes not just a boss, he is a friend. I missed quite a bit of work during my surgeries and he made sure that I was able to take all that time off and heal. So we are here at the years end, and I am grateful for the year Ive had. It has made me a stronger and better person. I focused on myself and being the best I can be. Im healthy. My girlfriend and I have gotten back together and its better than ever, but we will constantly work on keeping the relationship healthy and on track. 5 months apart allowed us to focus on ourselves and really has made us stronger now. Im a very grateful person today. Mostly from being added to this group. Thank all of you for being part of my year and helping me get through some of the rougher times Ive had in life. You are all a blessing to me and I dont take it lightly. Thank you from my heart and soul. Im grateful for all of you.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 20:42:44 +0000

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