Well here it goes- two weeks ago yesterday- the day I went for my - TopicsExpress


Well here it goes- two weeks ago yesterday- the day I went for my 3D/4D ultrasound I didnt think twice about the tech asking me to come back later that day, when I did go back she started checking things like kidneys, heart rate, and other things and we just went about our day. While I was getting things set up for the gender reveal party that night I had a missed call from my OB- by the time I saw the missed call their office was closed. The following day on the way to my grandmas funeral I called and they said theyd have a nurse call me right back. She called me back right before the funeral and told me the ultrasound technician from the 3D/4D place called and was very concerned about my amniotic fluid so they needed to get me in as soon as I was 18 weeks but Wednesdays were the only days they had an ultrasound tech at their office. So that day was today. I did research non-stop and of course the internet does nothing but scare you but I had nothing to go off and I needed some sort of information. These past two weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions so I was almost excited to get some real information this morning. When we arrived at the OB office they took me back immediately to the ultrasound room, the first thing I saw was a beautiful little heartbeat, she checked a lot of things and told me the doctor would be with us soon. When Dr. Lacey came back to talk to us I knew in my heart what he would tell me wasnt good. I hardly have any amniotic fluid at all. Dangerously low is a 5 and I have less than 1. Beckhams kidneys arent forming, nor his bladder, his heart has a defect and his abdomen isnt attaching to his body properly. The doctor said he will never survive outside of the womb. I meet with a specialist tomorrow morning to go over our options. We are thankful to the many friends and family that have been praying for us and that continue to pray for us- as we have a lot of hard times ahead. We are thankful for the amazing support from our church family, and I am thankful for my great bosses and co-workers at both the school and the bank. We are heartbroken but we serve an awesome God and we know he will be our light in this dark.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:57:38 +0000

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