Well, here this is, for good or ill. Its a spec-script I wrote - TopicsExpress


Well, here this is, for good or ill. Its a spec-script I wrote for the old Innovation Lost In Space comic around 1992. I submitted it but before it could be considered for publication, the announcement came that Bill Mumy (Will Robinson) was going to write a series of issues. Consideration of outside submissions was supposed to resume after he finished his run but, unfortunately, the book and company folded before that happened. A few years later, with nothing else to do with the script, I sent a copy to Jonathan Harris (Dr. Zachary Smith) who responded with a very kind 2 page handwritten letter of thanks, encouragement for me as a writer and his commentary about the then-pending LIS big budget theatrical movie (he was annoyed at having been offered only a bit part--I play SMITH, or I dont PLAY!, he wrote to me). The letter remains one of my most treasured belongings. He was a class act who truly appreciated his fans. Anyhow, I thought Id put this out like this in the event that anyone would be interested in reading it. Please bear in mind I wrote this close to TWENTY TWO YEARS ago and its probably nothing like how Id approach it today (I think my current feature-length screenplay project for Lost In Space resonates more closely with the original series). Also, I was trying to craft it in keeping tone with where the comic book was at the time. The story is mine. Lost In Space, the characters and premise belong to someone else. I hope people enjoy this and if it gets shared, please credit me and I hope no one tries to make any money off of it because I never did. Feedback, good or bad is welcome. Also, please know that to this very day, I have never once seen a script for a comic book. The format I utilized here was a bastardized screenplay format with Shots standing in for panels. Thanks for taking a look and, if you miss Lost In Space like I still do, I hope you enjoy a new story with these old friends! scribd/doc/219216669/LOST-IN-SPACE-A-Brief-Affair
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 09:38:39 +0000

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