Well here we are back home again. Apart from the older folk (went - TopicsExpress


Well here we are back home again. Apart from the older folk (went to QHPS during the 1930s) that I specifically went to see to collect some oral histories no one else had anything to offer by way of copies of photos, memorabilia or anything else. The only glimmer was the names a couple of visitors to this site provided & the nice batch of class photos another site visitor sent me. I thank those that have contributed but am a tad disheartened by the otherwise poor response. I cant believe that over 43,000 visits to this site has generated so little. The oral histories, when tidied up a little, will be available on the Reunion day not before. I have about 70 class photos - the bulk of which are already on this site. Please have a look at them & let me know the names of any students or teachers that you recognise in them. I have to rationalise the time I can spend on this project, especially if the traffic is mainly one way - its easier to fudge the time I can allow if the response is good & much new info comes in - reality kicks in when it doesnt. I will now update the student/teacher lists only after I have 100 new names to add. The recollections that I have written & those still being composed will be available on the Reunion day, some may be published here beforehand - your response will largely dictate how much, how often. A number of visitors have said they have photos etc & undertook to look for them - either they have forgotten or havent reported their results to me. Remember INPUT=OUTPUT. If nothing comes in we cant expect to see new things. In a few days I will have compiled a list of names (mainly Given names) & some Family names together with the year & class the names are associated with - I would like you to have a look at the class/years that you are familiar with & tell me some Family names that may belong to the lonely Given names & also to correct spellings. Any help is appreciated. Hopefully we all will find that extra bit of energy to contribute info to this project. There are just 248 days to the Centenary celebrations.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:39:48 +0000

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