Well here we go, it has been a while since I have posted and I - TopicsExpress


Well here we go, it has been a while since I have posted and I just have to get some things off my mind, so what better place than for others to see. I am hoping this will have some meaning, or even make sense for that matter. Over the past few weeks, I have been extremely humbled by a conversation I had with a man whom I know, albeit not as well as I would like to. I had the great pleasure of taking some time to speak with Bryce Iwerks at the 2014 State Swim meet and I came away extremely honored to be a part of it. His heart for Christ and his attitude toward life is utterly amazing. With the struggles he has been faced with, I am proud to say Bryce is a man of pure Faith and I commend him greatly for it. I came away from the conversation a better person simply for the genuineness he spoke. To this I thank him and will cherish the conversation. In thinking about what we talked about, in addition to swimming of course, there is a time when we all must look at where we are at and make some decisions. We must determine if we will let the hurdles if life keep us from following the path God has set forth for us or we can choose to run the race in front of us and overcome theses hurdles! When we choose let them block us, we are essentially giving up on what may be just on the other side. Only God knows what is there or what will come next, but we need to have faith He will provide for us and trust He will get us where we are meant to be. If we can follow our dreams and look to God for direction, we can achieve so much! We need be smart enough to hold onto our dreams and follow the path, we must be brave enough to let go of the things we think we need to get there but are really just holding us back. Sometimes even, we need to hold onto our faith and trust in God while letting go of what we think will be the outcome and just let the outcome be what it is. So, I say to everyone, Open your hand and hold your dreams gently, don’t try to grab them and control them on your own! Let God be your guide and hold onto the ideal of following Him on the path He has created for you! It may get bumpy or ridden with hurdles, but remember at these times that God is there to take over and lead us. We just need to get our of the Drivers seat and let Him take the wheel! Sorry to ramble on. Not sure if this makes sense or is just words, but I am hopeful someone can benefit from this and hopefully carry on with the dreams they have! As the saying by Jimmy V goes, Dont Give Up....Dont Ever Give Up!! Thanks again for the conversation Bryce Iwerks. Bryceiwerks PrayerPage
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:21:09 +0000

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