Well i am bored.... Burfday: April 29, 2000 Name: Winnie... - TopicsExpress


Well i am bored.... Burfday: April 29, 2000 Name: Winnie... duh NONONONO real name: OH... Nunya. Only few or all my friends know my real name... Age: 13 Siblings?: Yup! 2 brother How old: 5 months and 15 What grade are you going into: 8th :( Sports?: Volleyball, lacrosse (Didnt do it this year cuz i brokemy arm last september) and track Any injuries?: My worst injury was last year in volleyball practice we weredoing back pedals (Running backwards) Then I fell back and landed on my extended arm and snapped 2 bones in half (Ack) and a bone popped outta its place... I wasin a cast for... 11 weeks. And sadly my arm is still broken... AFTER 1 YEAR! Favorite thing about you?: My weirdness. my derpiness. Worst memory: When my dad would beat us D: Parents?: Christina and Mike. But my mom divorcedm y dad. And got remarried to a man named Ryan Favorite movie?: The notebook. I cried xD Favoirte book: I love to read... Hmm.. Probably "Love, Aubrey" Favorite song: Time Of Dying- Three Days Grace Name?: Nuuu stop asking xD Name: Nuuu Name?: Nuuu Name?: Michayla .-. Okie dere. XD
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 04:51:10 +0000

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