Well i done it i am having my furniture picked up fri morning so i - TopicsExpress


Well i done it i am having my furniture picked up fri morning so i wont have nothing to sit on excpet a air mattress ..with shawn not working and hasnt for going on 2 months i cnt afford the note so i will sit on the floor..i struggle so much i have headaches every day he has no idea why i really dont want much to do with him right now ..how can a person who says they love you sit back so long and have me do it all...im on disability i dont have money i cant get some of the personal things i need and he just sits there.he is doing apps today on the comp yeah ok he waited long enough..i have been carrying him for awhile now .and his sister calls him and is trying to do court things about there Mother but she sends no papers im so tired of walking no one gives a damn about my damn life sometimes i feel well never mind it dont matter ..i hurt so bad my feet hurt my hands my whle damn body and im tired of hurting..i have no life im doing it now facebook.pretty sad huh my life is nothing but struggling.im just tired of it..he says cause he has been to my docs app and all he is helping me ..i dont need no dam help i can go to the docs by myself ...i will get up at home the best way i cant i dont need that shit hung over my shoulders...im so sad and lonely hell we dont sleep together or even have a well partners life no more...im not happy but im stuck right now no car or anything to leave so i will make the best of it...sometimes i want to lay down at night take my meds and never hurt again....maybe then i would be happy and at piece...sorry im venting this is my life so i do it here...well everyone have a Blessed day ..im one upset sad confused and depressed person today.....no worries the world still turns.....
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:52:29 +0000

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