Well i waded through trimming up 4 Hugsicle kids & Dozer boy & - TopicsExpress


Well i waded through trimming up 4 Hugsicle kids & Dozer boy & then i attacked the massively over the top excited Fatso & in Sheilas words & favourite expression he was like a whirling dervrish!!!!!!!!! Personally i would`ve described him as an absolute lunatic with a penny bunger & an activated dragon wheel stuck in his anal Sphincter & then some!!!!!!!! He was the original nightmare on Greenbank Road with pure excitement & my God i did some acrobatic twists trying to trim him & rescue my grooming gear that would have befitted an extremely fit professional Houndini! As i used each grooming tool on him he would grab another one to chew & whats more, he was throughly enjoying aggravating me by knicking my gear as i worked How many dogs do you know who would try to eat a pair of scissors & had the 4 inch blades facing down his throat?????????Holy mother of God ,i couldn`t believe it,but fortunately i managed to get them out of his mouth before he tried swallowing them!I KID YOU NOT! Fairdinkum i have to wonder about why i chanced breeding this lout of a dog in case these looney hell bent on destruction genes come through!!!!!!!!!! So the rough trimming done,off we went down to our local hydrobath facility & he loves that so much he sits there like a King over looking his subject & laps up all the compliments he always attracts from the locals in our country shopping centre. I have never seen a dog love their hydrobath like Fatso does & of course shampooing him in purple shampoo always creates interest as well as him loving he jet spray full on in his face. Fatso loves all the action going on around him ,so i get a really clear go at massaging him from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail while he is distracted.Then its a big rinse off & a conditioning treatment as well as another massage while he purrs like a kitten,another good rinse & then my favourite part blasting him with the full on water distractor,before we head home to do the final hand drying using conditioning mouse & then tackle the finer grooming before coating & bibbing him up. Well thats our usual routine,but today i needed baby/toddler puppy food,milk bread etc ,so decided to do all of that while i was down at the shops.I had to go to a total of three shops to complete my errands & thought i was pretty clever being that organised in short space of time.......yeah a pretty unusual accomplishment for this old girl,to have it all together right? No WRONG!I went to the grocers/general store/ come deli where i bought the babies 2 roast chickens for their dinner & then went to the butchers & bakers............ When i put the first lot of shopping in the car two lovely ladies were talking to Fatso & he was lapping up all of the attention & ooohs & ahhs. I might add ,i am used to taking Sueallan shopping & no matter what you put in the car ,there is no way she would ever think of touching it.NO WAY! Yes well Sueallan is a Lady not some bloody tasmanian larrikan that was born a fur sinkerator & you got it......... When i opened the rear door of the Abbey-Mobile to put the bread in there was his Lordshpl .....Squire Mongrel.....laying along the seat devouring one of the HOT roast chicken`s!!!!!!!!!! I think he got such a shock to be sprung,while i envisaged having hells own problem...if in fact i could get it from him at all.......getting the chicken body out of his mouth! Surprisingly I yelled at him & made a grab at the carcass & he immediately surrendered it.I then quickly grabbed all of the shopping bags & put them in the front of the car ....... His big Clumber nose was twitching & he was quietly testing the power of his seat belt extension wise,but thought better of it when i gave him a colourful lecture & you could see he was thinking..........Oh Shyte,,,,,,i reckon the old girl might haul off & dong me if i push my luck,so he soon decided he better just sit quietly ..... GOOD DECISION FATSO ,cos you were millimeters from a flogging!!!!! Of course then i was concerned about him having eaten cooked chicken bones,so i pieced together he remnants of the carcass & found he had eaten two whole chicken wings,the majority of the breast & the flesh & skin off one leg. Fortunately they were only small chickens,but still a worry,so i gave him several slices of bread when we got home & extra skin off the other chicken in the hope that would see any bones come through safely!!!!!! My warped sense of humour is imagining everyones faces if he suddenly stops in the ring & gives birth to a chicken wing!!!!!! Believe me that would be very fitting for Fatso! On the good side,i have managed to make this farm dog resemble a showdog so thats a real bonus.Quite a work of art if i say so myself!ROTFLMAO The worst part of preparing him for the shows,is that once you coast him up he expects to go to the shows RIGHT NOW..... Thank God for small mercies..... he has presently given up & is fast asleep here beside me ,so at least i will have a peaceful night until dawn heralds in the morning... Wonderful to see Greg & Kathy home safely & Dozer & Marnie were excited to see him this morning. Its great that Greg has taken them home & had a girl coming to hydrabath them both this afternoon &he will come to the shows at the weekend even if he doesn`t feel up to showing.I think Dozer may well convince Greg to show him tomorrow evening & on Sunday & the two will then come home with me as Greg & Kathy drive back down to Lismore for his mums funeral on Monday....... Been a busy day here today not to mention frustrating with Fatsos antics........but the boy has that way about him that prevents you from putting him out for kerbside pickup!!!!!ROTFL Shytenhauser that he be. Seriously looking forward to the show weekend for so many reasons & just hoping my health holds out to allow me to exhibit my own boy & maybe one of the littlies too,post whooping cough wise as i still have on going problems from it as well as asthma at this time of the year with the new potent blossoms out.Still my trusty 2 I C will be ready to take over if i can`t go the distance i am sure .......... Off to bed now to read & will miss my beautiful bed chum tonight......... Enjoy your night everyone & sweet dreams..........xo
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 11:58:27 +0000

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