Well, if you think its all Lupita Nyongo American dream, think - TopicsExpress


Well, if you think its all Lupita Nyongo American dream, think again. This is more the reality for many foreigners. I am really committed to sharing with my people back at home whatever information I believe is right and important to know before you make the decision to come to the USA that comes along my way in the hope that it may help some people from coming and getting stuck here GOING THROUGH SUCH HORRIBLE EXPERIENCES that sucks life out of you forever. Like sucks your very soul leaving you empty and dry. Every single African from baby sitter to that PHD holder taxi driver I meet in Philly says one thing, If only someone had been honest with me about the USA. I am being honest with you who is still at home like no one was honest with me. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! Most Africans abroad are not honest about this back home because the illusion held at home that its all milk and honey here is the only pride they have left, only way to feel big after all their bigness has been sucked dry here. The honesty about how nasty it is here is sort of a brotherhood secret kept between the victims. We can share it within ourselves but God forbids that we let the people at home know about it coz it would make us feel small. Coz at home, we are the lucky ones who return home for summer holidays or xmas holidays and throw money around. What did you call us Wabweyo George? Summer something...
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:43:28 +0000

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