Well into chapter four of Roars of War, and back to Coldmire we - TopicsExpress


Well into chapter four of Roars of War, and back to Coldmire we go... :) A phantom fog, damp and bitter, slithered up from the surface of the still dark water. Despite the impermeability of his boots and his intrinsic resistance to the discomforts of demanding treks, Eldurion’s feet were wretchedly cold. Wet worms of mist wriggled through the gaps between the raft’s loosely lashed logs, chewing past the Fian’s inverted otterskin soles even as voracious bh’ritsi might penetrate dead skin. Pricks of piercing pain tingled in his toes. Evidently, the fog in that forsaken crook of Coldmire had teeth. Sighing forth acerbic steam, Eldurion pulled the cowl of his cloak closer about his face and willed away the urge to stamp his smitten feet. He would not have the Darad mark his frailty. He need not have worried himself so – Rundul of Axar stared sullenly at the wastes of water surrounding the ramshackle raft. His beard jerked erratically as he muttered expletives and growled creative obscenities beneath its bristling mass. With some effort – herculean, to be precise – the Darad shrugged off the impulse to climb atop his enormous pack once again. Instead, he planted his stout legs as firmly as was possible upon the sphagnum-slicked petrified timber underfoot, and gripped his war-axe with such violence that he seemed to be on the very verge of actually attacking the lake. Which, at present, seemed like a thoroughly viable and productive alternative to the interminable waiting, waiting, waiting. By sheer force of indomitable Daradun will, Rundul tore his tortured eyes from the tarn, clenched his jaw, and clamped his teeth upon his tongue to quiet its sussurant profanity – lest the silver-haired Fian discern his distress. And so the Captain of the Wandering Guard and the Eldest of the Fiannar suffered in shared and stubborn silence, a fractured fraternity of endurance – together yet apart, alone. The Lord of the Shaddathair ignored them both. Utterly.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:36:03 +0000

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