Well, it has been a while. But, i’ve got something quite - TopicsExpress


Well, it has been a while. But, i’ve got something quite important for absolutely anyone to watch, who has a need or want to understand what it is they need to know on how to take some control of their future, if they choose. I stumbled across this nearly 10 years ago, where exactly this explanation keeps showing it’s face. I guess more importantly though for the sake of explanations at this end, I don’t have to sit and put something like this together, this does it all quite nicely. It explains what needs to be said precisely for anyone to understand. What I’m talking about is an important life Truth here. https://youtube/watch?v=iFDe5kUUyT0#t=1530 So.......... After seeing my time spent, being locked up in a psych ward ‘Twice’ now. Not just once, but TWICE...... For all these god forsaken elusions that I kept making up and having. The first time being about 4 years ago, the second about 4 months ago. Both times, if I had to be completely honest here, it kinda had to do with the fact that I was expressing my rights of freedom as human being... to say, do, feel, fight, f&$k, literally what ever it is I choose to do, as one of this worlds “intelligent” people! Where it was nothing more or less, and never will be. And do not for one second get the word “Intelligent” wrong here. Because i’m feeling pretty damn reluctant in wanting to share with anyone, what it is i’m going to share next. Because this is a good portion of what I have been attempting to communicate, But keep getting dumbed down by stupidity at nearly all turns. This society really does have a lot to answer for! Being more to the point though, I don’t ow it a thing. After the criticism, the discrimination, The ignorance. Or put more simply, the constant ignorant bullshit, from the degenerate tall poppy syndrome i’ve had to contend with most every single freakin day, being pretty much what i’ve come to understand as society and what it is..... “That boy needs therapy, send him back to the psych ward!”. Telling me what I can and can’t do..... Or thinking such things like that, can be done. Who is anyone, to think that they have the right to control anyones actions??? Being why I have got no pride at all what so ever period for being Aussie. Race Pride, what a joke if I ever did see one. I have had to put up with crap for the past few years attempting to stay honest, in knowing what I do know about life and it’s many truths. Whilst being talked to like one is dumb, when i guess it comes down to the fact that I wasn’t the dumb one. Never was, never will be! One side of me is saying at present Pretty much F&$K the great majority. No wonder why the world is the way it is, it seems to have very precisely layered out it’s karma. Also being why if that kid at school who makes it large decides to be a dick to you, in turn for past doings..... Remember this........ They are completely with in there rights to be ‘pissed’, completely, if they choose. Being why it’s important to have respect for intelligence, instead of attempting to dumb down the smart, they’ll probably be your boss one day! Any who, whilst that is sitting there, the other side of oneself is sitting there saying..... “well, if you don’t know, you don’t know!” Which is quite true. And if we don’t know what we don’t know, moreover, where we we’re all set up to fail miserably, at best in life. Is there any wonder why ego is running so wild at present, in so many? What is about to be presented here, is (unless you believe you know better) What you need to know for now as THE TRUTH of this physical reality..... Forget spiritual truths n what not for now, and where destinies bestow one’s direction. This focus of truth, is put towards why you are doing what you are doing. I picked up on it’s existence about a decade ago, about the time I discovered that i’m one of many a wolf in this world. I’m not a part of it, I live amongst it. More so though, being the reason for why I don’t vote. But also why, if I choose not to vote, who is anyone to tell anyone else what it is they can and can’t do, when myself and a select few others like myself around the place of whom are aware of what is going on, are the one to be hushed most of all??? Why would we want to join in? seriously? take a look and listen to what your dealing with, its a circus. I keep hitting it, but no wonder people who get their success, turn bitter. They’re not looking down their nose, they’re just thinking F$%k you for being such a piece of shit! Because if you weren’t a piece of shit, they wouldn’t be bitter! What you are about to watch is the best damn illusion i’ve ever come across in any story, fairy tale, movie, what ever..... And its the reality of this planet.... Its absolutely unbelievable. It’s why there is so much war, why there is so much famine, why so few rule so many, and why it is life was set up to fail. Unless you make the decision to become responsible for your own actions and decisions. Where you can either stay ignorant and stay a part of what already is. Or learn the ropes and use it to your advantage. There are only 2 things in this life..... Results and Excuses! This is not saying that everyone has to become a money guru and learn to build mountains of wealth. But what it is saying.... Is that if you are in your situation, that reality has come from the decisions and choices you have made to date. Aware or not, our decisions have given us our present situations. This is what we should have learned at school, but did not. This is why we get forced to go to school. To become a perfectly refined piece of machinery to make the wheels of the systematic rat race go round. There is nothing wrong with being educated. But know this, it is the one’s of whom are free thinking and self aware, that can take best advantage of something that until further notice, we have no other option but to accept as the reality we’re in, and leverage it for what it is worth. Because unfortunately, it is the educated one..... The one’s that supposedly know best !!.... Those sitting on the 70+g 100+g pay brackets a year, in the supposed cushy job whom pay near 50% tax, that help to make the wheels of this system role. Someone’s got to repay those depts to thin air..This ceiling...... So why not lets make pride life’s highest value in the rat race, and make the pride of being a part of a team, system, income bracket, vision of someone else dream who must be the man, our elite goal. We have been manipulated emotionally for that long, that we believe that what is in front of us, is the reality created for this universe. Where it couldn’t be anything further from the truth. Thats why you would really want to consider being in defense for example. What war are you fighting, with who??? Who is this enemy????? It’s all just made up fluff. Also being a good time to pass this on as well, with what is happening with the plane crash that happened recently. Unless it can be seen differently, there is a pretty good chance that one of the companies involved with some of the individuals on board. Are some of the same companies of whom were involved in 9/11 ..... And the funny thing is, what has just been said here, should not even be considered as outrageous anymore. Society is being played like a chess game. It’s just money game bullshit, where money pays to keep those who want to keep things honest, silent. Whilst the real criminals get to walk around as free as a bird, above the law, keeping fear and hysteric emotions at a healthy level, to make sure that the constant need for war games are in place to make money, is in constant stimulated. Its just a win win win win. And until something is done, fear is what holds this world at the mercy of and idea made in the mind of some individual 300 + years ago. Aint that shit crazy??? Not as crazy though, as how brain washed society has become. One in a million would want to do something, whilst the other 999 999 are getting day light robbed by legalized fraud. Again, one of the most spectacular thing you’ll ever see once you appreciate its entirety. Being why its a near impossible fight for that one in a million to attempt. He’s just mad, we better lock him up............ What you are about to watch, if you choose to. Is a very simple illustration of “The System”. What is it? Why we do what we do. Who’s making money, where? But most importantly, where it is you have been sitting in the bigger scheme of things, all along. In this illustration, your going to see little people with shovels digging out dollar signs in turn for the hours they work, it’s quite important to keep that in mind. Also remembering though, if you don’t understand it first watch. Re watch it 5 or 6 times if need be. Making change to this, is where the future of our planet lays! Enjoy your watch. Also, Now might just be a good time to start some self education, and begin to become aware of the reality we live in. So that you can better prepare your own actions on a day to day basis, for where ever it is you end up. Because it is what it is..... And how we gain or loose from it, is entirely up to how we play the game with it. Because that what it is, just a game! This is the world reality. You can either learn to play ball with it, or accept it for what it is. Enjoy... https://youtube/watch?v=iFDe5kUUyT0#t=1530
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 03:11:23 +0000

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