Well it has been awhile since I let you all know how I have been - TopicsExpress


Well it has been awhile since I let you all know how I have been doing and I am tickled to report, that except for the chemo I am doing really good! I have had 2 chemos since the last update. One on the same day as I got my scan results, in early Sept. That one was the easiest chemo I have had. I have no explanation as to why. but only minor symptoms and for the most part none of them lasted very long. Since my platelets cannot handle at two week schedule, I now get chemo at 3 weeks, so my next one was on Sept 23rd. That one, unfortunately knocked me for a loop! Severe flu like symptoms, headaches, high fever and generally not wanting to do anything by stay in bed. It also knocked any strength out of me. I had gained 3# during the last stint and that too disappeared. Luckily, I am now on week two and back on my feet and outside. Strength and energy are coming back and my appetite is good! I feel we are making progress, my stomach doesnt bloat as badly and although I can still feel my liver, it has softened and doesnt seem to be as large. Appetite is back and I am enjoying eating, so maintaining but not gaining weight. We will do 3 more chemos for a total of 10 then scan again. That should be around the end of Nov. I feel that this time we will see significant changes! I am getting used to the new diet more each day. I no longer miss dairy and have noticed that since it is no longer in my diet, that my sinus and allergy issues are gone! So after all those years of being told it would make a difference I must admit that it does. I am trying to do the raw carrot and apple juice 1st thing every morning as this combo has come up in numerous books as one of the best cancer fighters out there! It tastes good too! Eating mainly fruits and veggies makes it hard to get protein and gain weight. I do a protein smoothie every day in my Nutri blaster blender. I include flaxseed oil,tumeric (both cancer fighters) almond milk, protein powder and whatever organic fruit is available. Lately between our garden and neighbors it has been peaches, plums and strawberries. I have been freezing lots for this winter as well. For dinner it is usually veggies, potatoes and organic chicken or turkey. I could do fish, but right now the chemo makes it smell repulsive! I eat alot of oatmeal for breakfast with fruit or applesauce and coconut oil as well. I also drink green tea with lemon, both are cancer fighters and detoxers. I have much to learn but find it very fascinating! Here are a few quick tips....Always eat spinach raw. You will get the most nourishment from it. Tomatoes on the other hand are better cooked to release the lycopene. The best grape out there is the concord, eat it seeds and all for the most nourishment. Apples are the only fruit that should be juiced with veggies due to nutritional compatibilities. Drink your raw juice immediately for most nourishment. Hold it in your mouth for a few seconds to allow the enzymes in your saliva to mix with it. This speeds up the digestion process. I hope you find some of this useful. Remember to count your blessings every day. Thank you all for your prayers, love and support. I couldnt do all this without you! God Bless you all! Sandy and Glen
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 01:55:27 +0000

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