Well, it is fine that the Scots want independence from their - TopicsExpress


Well, it is fine that the Scots want independence from their Socialist government. It is fine that Quebec the leech of Canada ought to have its own independence, HOWEVER, let me be PERFECTLY CLEAR... I want my independence from this globalist, corporate whore of a government we now have, one that is ran by Muslims and kweer, and really twisted and convoluted kweer officers and other betrayers of the U.S. Constitution. I want independence too... and p.s. they finally found a way to get into Syria now havent they? Well, one thing for certain my fellow Americans UNTIL ALL AMERICANS ACKNOWLEDGE THAT 9-11 WAS NOT AN OUTSIDE ATTACK, THEN AND ONLY THEN CAN WE EVER DARE THINK ABOUT BEING FREE AGAIN... So you, what do you think? Do you really believe the 9-11 stories told to us, as we were told in a relative few minutes, who did it, why they did it, and what we (Americans) were supposed to do about it? We have been lied to. But, then again we are greatly to blame for being the dupes, dopes, and dolts that would allow such an event to happen. What I find greatly disturbing is that people, DONT want to know the truth. They ignore the facts, the laws of thermodynamics, and the laws of physics. They tightly close their eyes to the visuals of bombs exploding, they close their eyes to the buildings being pulverized as if pulled down by placed explosives...They run quickly to defend the self announced New World Globalists such as the whole Bush family... And they ram their heads so far up their own asses to almost self reciprocate inside out as they defend the RINO regime that brought us the rights stripping PATRIOT and NDA Acts, all the while applauding dufus Dubya, hailing him and his cronies as saints and saviors of America... They can recognize Obama as being a downfall to a certain extent, and even then not many call him out as NOT being qualified under the 2nd Article of the U.S. Constitution. More likely than not, because, they themselves slept through most of U.S. History, Civics, and Government courses themselves. Unlike their Liberal counterparts though, they did NOT eat the books and suck on, or be sucked by the teachers. At least, maintaining a sense of moral compass. We are much worse off than what people think. And this nation is NOT at the precipice... Not at all...WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN PUSHED OVER THE EDGE AND ARE IN FREE FALL...JUST LIKE THOSE 3 BUILDINGS OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER WERE... Just as Isaiah asked of the God of Israel, who has believed our report? I ask my fellow Americans and those RINO pup Amerikans, who will believe the truth? Yes, I AM PROUD TO BE A TRUTHER. THAT WAY I DO NOT HAVE TO BE ASHAMED OF BEING A DENIER AND LIAR. Freedom is NOT free...but who has the balls to fight for it? Certainly not that many in Amerika... they want more sports and distractions. Arm up, and stand up...hands down, rifles up...Our nation has been hijacked, whether you want to believe it or not is NOT the question... Such NONETHELESS is the TRUTH. . youtube/watch?v=Ypc4ieJO0pg
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 21:13:21 +0000

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