Well it seems some fans of fanfiction have decided to mix the - TopicsExpress


Well it seems some fans of fanfiction have decided to mix the worlds of DH and buffy vampire slayer...so here it is Title: Poof! Author: Jinni Rated: Pg13 Characters: Xander, Simi Disclaimer: All things BtVS belong to Joss Whedon, et al. All things from the Dark Hunter series, Simi included, belong to Sherrilyn Kenyon. I own nothing except a twisted imagination and write this merely for fun. Notes: Just me thinking about Xander’s inevitable magnetism when it comes to women that aren’t human. Summary: A chance meeting between Xander and a woman he’s probably better off not knowing. ~*~*~ “Akri say, Simi, stay. Simi, don’t get into trouble. Simi, don’t eat anyone.” Xander raised his eyebrows, watching the… demon… stalk back and forth, arms crossed over her chest like a petulant child. At least she seemed nice enough, if not a little off in the head. In fact, except for the horns on her head, she looked like any other girl his age. Thankfully, living in Sunnyhell he’d learned to stop judging books by their covers. Just because she looked nice and almost human didn’t mean she wouldn’t try to take a bite out of him the first chance she got. “Miss?” he spoke up, hesitant to draw her attention back to him. For all that she’d helped him dust those vamps, quite enthusiastically if he had to add, she could just as well attack him at any second. Probably would, with his luck. She paused, cocking her head to the side as she regarded him with an expression he couldn’t quite place. Half curiosity, one part amusement, and a good dollop that sort of looked like she was wondering what he tasted like. And not in a pleasure-filled kind of way. “The cemetery isn’t the best place to hang out, you know,” he shrugged after a momentary loss for words. “Akri said for the Simi to stay here,” she frowned. “And stay out of trouble,” Xander nodded. She stomped her foot. “You were in trouble. I didn’t make the trouble. Those almost-Daimons were hurting you. So I did what akri would want the Simi to do and I saved you.” She pouted. “And then the nasty almost-Daimons went poof before the Simi could see if they tasted good with barbecue sauce.” Xander nodded along as if he understood what she was saying, even though he didn’t have a clue. If there was one thing he’d learned living in Sunnyhell, it was that you didn’t argue with crazy women. Demons. Crazy women-demons, that is. “Then they gets the Simi dusty when they go Poof!” she sighed. “Akri is not going to be happy. He said, Simi keep quiet and don’t draw attention to yourself. Was I supposed to let the Daimons snack on you? No!” “Of course not,” Xander nodded, one hundred percent thankful that she had happened upon him and the four vamps in the cemetery when she did. “You did the right thing.” “Really?” She smiled brightly. “You will stay and tell akri that?” Xander wasn’t sure who this akri guy was, but he was getting the feeling that he didn’t really want to meet him. Anyone that could control this nut job, cute though she was in that sort of demonic way, was probably one helluva power player. He glanced sideways at the mausoleum she’d managed to destroy with a stray fireball as she tried to ‘roast’ a vampire. “Um, sure, I guess I can stay.” She smiled brightly, flouncing over to where he was standing with a little bounce to her step. Oh yeah, she was a cute one. If only she wasn’t both a) not human and b) sort of insane. “You tell akri I didn’t cause no trouble?” Xander looked at the rubble that had once been a mausoleum. “Definitely,” he nodded emphatically. He took a hesitant step away from her, well aware nonetheless that she could fry him to a crisp before he could even think of running away from her. Whoever this akri guy was, Xander was hoping that he got there soon. Oh, and that he wasn’t evil in any way. “So… come here often?” he chuckled half-heartedly at his own lame attempt to make smalltalk. Her nose wrinkled with distaste. “We don’t go here ever. Akri said this one time trip and I like that. He’s a good guy, my akri.” “Heh. Good to know,” Xander offered her a weak smile. “You looking sorta green,” she paused. “What’s your name?” “Xander.” “Xander,” she smiled another dazzling smile. “You no look so good, Xander.” “I’m fine --” “Simi.” Xander stiffened at the voice, just behind him. A little too close just behind him for his comfort. How the hell had he not heard anyone coming up behind him? He swallowed, turning even as the demon-girl exclaimed. “Akri!” The guy behind him was definitely uber-freaksome. Tall, gothic, and pierced, he was not someone native to Sunnydale. Xander was also pretty sure he wasn’t human, either. The man looked over at the crumbled remains of the mausoleum, eyebrows rising. “I thought I said to not get into trouble, Simi.” “You say for the Simi not to –cause- trouble, akri,” the demon shook her head. “You no say I couldn’t get into trouble.” “She was saving me…sir,” Xander all but stammered, forcing himself not to flinch as the man’s gaze met his. “Saving you?” “From almost-Daimons. The Simi did a good job too, right Xander?” “Great job,” he agreed with a sharp nod of his head. “See, akri. I do good job. But the almost-Daimons poofed all over my dress,” she gestured at the dusty mini-dress. “You take the Simi shopping?” The other man sighed in a way that Xander understood all too well. He had dated Cordelia, after all. “When we get home, Simi.” “Yay!” She clapped her hands, doing a little dance in place that Xander found to be quite… cute. Okay, so she was a demonic hottie. He could admit it. “You’d live longer if you never thought about her in that way again. Ever.” Xander froze, giving the other man a startled look. Great, an overprotective guy that could read minds. Just what he needed tonight. “Um. Yeah. Sorry. No more thinking she’s… well, you know…” The stranger nodded, gesturing with one hand at the remains of the mausoleum. Before Xander’s eyes it reappeared, good as new. Or, good as it had been before the demon accidentally turned it into nothing more than a pile of stone. Then they were gone. The guy. The demon. Just vanished into thin air. Xander breathed a long sigh of relief, thankful that, for once, the demonic chick that had walked into his life had walked out without so much as trying to hurt him. ~*~End Ficlet~*~
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 14:41:49 +0000

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