Well it seems that some of us with our selfies has upset and - TopicsExpress


Well it seems that some of us with our selfies has upset and disrespected some others! Let me be VERY clear on this! This was NEVER my intention! Call it what you may....vain, selfish, stupid, inconsiderate, etc, but it WAS hard for me to do this! Was it vanity on my part that made me not to want to post my picture free of makeup? Of course it was! I always want to look my best in public. But my intention was NOT to be vain or selfish or self indulgent! It was to draw attention to this terrible disease! It was from a woman in support of other women! And men! I lost my best friend that I had been friends with and loved dearly since kindergarten! It killed me! But she was beautiful and brave! Smiled right up to the very end! Her daughter, Elana Hervey thanked me for making her do it too! Another person I dedicated it to was my own mother who is an ovarian cancer survivor, Praise God! Another is a Missionary friend, LaNita Clark, who is currently battling it with out chemo or meds! Her little body is ravaged with pain daily! But we pray daily! She thanked me too! I dont just do selfies for Cancer Awareness though or I guess that WOULD be vain! I ALSO donate, I do Relay for Life, I go to benefits, I have helped raise benefits, I even spent today with cancer patients celebrating their experiences and their life! I have laughed with them, cried with them, and prayed with them! I dont just talk the talk.....I walk the walk! I have lost many friends and family members to this terrible disease!! If I can do something, ANYTHING, no matter how small or trivial it may seem, then Im GOING to do it to raise money and awareness! And Im going to do it with pride! It isnt about YOU or ME....its about THEM....the victims!! I have even dealt with my own scares and issues! If you find me selfish, then so be it! But I will gladly stand before God and know that I have done as much as I possibly could to help! I dont consider it shallow, although some obviously does! I find it supportive, loving, caring and an honorable thing to do! I do what I do out of complete respect for these victims who have had to endure so much! There is absolutely nothing I can do that could possibly compare to what they have endured....I know this without a shadow of a doubt.....but make no mistake....I do it out love and respect! Period!! I put my money and time where my mouth is....or I wouldnt do it at all! And YES there are a lot of things I do for others that you will NEVER hear me mention because I dont need to! Im not supposed to! And I damn sure dont need to be recognized for it! But if Im doing it publicly, embarrassing myself, making fun of myself all for the greater good of someone else....then Im perfectly ok with that! I dont have a problem humbling myself to help someone else out! What each of us chooses to do in life is their choice! But to demean, disrespect someone who does for others doesnt do anything but bring shame on the whole process! I will continue to help others as much as I can! It was the way my mother and father brought me up to be! To lend a helping hand, to give a hand up....to care, and to do it without expecting anything in return! And thats what I do! Call it what you want....but at least I can say Ive done what I can do!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:19:41 +0000

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