Well, its Sunday evening, Weekly address time! This is, or was - TopicsExpress


Well, its Sunday evening, Weekly address time! This is, or was the 4th of July weekend. Its one of the things that makes America, or more correctly, United States of America, more special and unique than most countries. Does it sound like Im proud of my country? No mistake about it, I am! I volunteered to serve in the United States Army, and Im proud of that opportunity as well! Thanks to God that I was found able! If you didnt serve in the military, it makes no difference to me, as long as you support our country and are a grateful citizen of the good old U.S.A., You are okay! I get irritated by those people that criticize and run down the country and those that serve in our military, and then sit back and reap the rewards for all that those people have done. I mean the freedoms that we have, because of their sacrifices and service. I see these wounded warrior ads and feel angered because that organisation has to go on the TV and ask for donations. Shouldnt that be one of the benefits that those warriors should automatically receive for putting their lives on the line? In my job, if Im injured on the job, workmans comp. supplies a paycheck as long as Im incapacitated. Dont you think that an employer that pays congressmen and senators hundreds of thousand dollars a year, could pay a wounded and permanently injured soldier a living wage, and medical attention, and possibly retraining that would accomadate their disabilities, and provide them with a more rewarding occupation. I served for 2 years, and planned to serve for life, but plans change. I dont feel that I did anything when compared to these heros! They deserve our gratitude and respect, and they get shoved into a corner somewhere in hopes that no one will notice. Its a damned shame is what it is! These peoples lives are permanently changed, because of what they suffered! Whether it was a loss of limb or a scrambled psych, they will never be that young man or now that young woman that went away to battle, on our behalf! They went where our government told them to go, and did what was asked or ordered of them. Now they come home and that same government turns it back on the ugliness of the wounds caused by following orders that this same government issued. That sucks! Oh well, I cant impress anyone that can do anything, unless some of you jump into the fray. I hope! I love my family and friends, and I thank them for not taking pictures this weekend. I drank to much Friday night and woke up still intoxicated the next morning! Wow! At least no one got hurt! Thanks to Joe, Jimmy, and John Colburn for working to get the electric back up and running. Thank God that I own a generator, or we would have lost everything in the freezer and refrigerator! As it was, we only lost a few things and a bag of ice, but we got that back as soon as we got the generator up and running, and hooked up to the freezer and refrigerator! Thank you all for reading this stuff, and I hope that you really do enjoy it, and not just saying that you want me to continue, except for Chad Arcand, he had to read this far to see his name mentioned! Well, its time to say good night, so Goodnight! In Jesse Edwards words, God loves you,, and so do I! Remember, I love you all, Just that I love some of you more than others! Good night and God bless you, He will you know, if you let him! Have a great week!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:10:51 +0000

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