Well, its been 1 week today since the terrible accident thats - TopicsExpress


Well, its been 1 week today since the terrible accident thats changed our lives forever. Rivers continues to amaze us. Hes a true blessing from God. He was restless last night, but yesterday was also a very big day. After waking this morning, he fell back asleep shortly after. Once up for good, Rivers sat & played most of the morning with cousin Bishop. Around lunchtime, we left to head back over towards the hospital to a pediatricians office, connected with the hospital, for a follow up visit. The beginning of the car ride was interesting again. Rivers finally fell asleep though, & the ride went smoother. Rivers checked out pretty much the same as yesterday. They said to continue with hospital recommendations once home - pediatrician, therapy, & neurosurgeon visits. We were cleared to travel, so well head out this weekend for SC. Thank goodness my parents are still in VA with us. Theyll bring us back home with them. Well take the ride slow & easy. Well let Rivers dictate it. When hes asleep, we ride. When hes up & restless, we stop. Rivers did an excellent job walking with his walker today. We hope & pray his little body continues to get stronger & stronger each day. Well be glad of the day we can store the walker away for good. We continue to thank God for the outpouring love, prayers, & support. Its gotten us to where we are today.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 01:58:51 +0000

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