Well its been six months, and reaching the dizzy heights of - TopicsExpress


Well its been six months, and reaching the dizzy heights of hulkism, but just goes to show than if an old fart like me can create and sculpt your body into what every man would dream of at 20, then anybody can, the couple of pictures when i first started, show that for my age it wasnt that bad, but big saggy, and just starting to get man boobs, six months down the line, and i can now eat as much shit as i want, as my calorie burn is massive, compared to what it was, my personal trainer friend is amazed at what i have achieved in such little time, with no help from any other chemical except protein powder and creatine, still feel i have a long way to go, but a little focus and spare time, really goes to show if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything, not asking for pats on the back, looking in a mirror gives me all the praise and conviction i need to take it a couple of steps further, now off to eat me chicken, just got to psych myself up and have the same motivation to stop bloody smoking!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 22:31:25 +0000

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