Well, its certainly been a year. Time flies when youre having fun? - TopicsExpress


Well, its certainly been a year. Time flies when youre having fun? Possibly. Ive had a lot of fun this year and Ive also had a lot of not fun. Ive met and worked with a lot of amazing people, changed jobs twice, ultimately landing at what is basically my dream job, moved twice, traveled to foreign lands, seen some amazing bands play, got to work more on my writing and photography, explored some incredible locales and definitely got to make some great food. At the same time, Ive also been dealing with a lot of difficult mental and emotional problems for the better part of the year. Depression, anxiety, stress, and a general feeling of just being completely unsure of everything in my life. I dont know if these are necessarily new problems, or that theyre just starting to come to light, but either way its been very taxing. Ive been in weird state mental for a while now, and in addition to effecting my work, it caused me to be unable to treat Sarah properly and continue to provide for her in the ways that she deserves. There isnt any malice or animosity between us, as far as I know, but I need to be able to take care of myself before Im really able to take care of anybody else. Luckily, I have an incredible group of friends that have been very supportive of me through this whole thing, and I can tell its starting to get better Im starting to see a counselor next week, so hopefully things will start to take motion. With all that being said, heres my goals for the New Year: 1. Go at least 30 days without a drink; my drinking has gotten out of hand a bit in recent months, so I really want to cut back. I dont know if it will be temporary or permanent, but 30 days seems like a good deciding point. 2. Return to studying Jediism with the Temple Of The Jedi Order; Less about Star Wars fanboyism, more about using culture as a lens to view certain types of philosophy. This also includes sticking to stricter regiment of physical and mental exercise, as well as meditation and yoga. 3. Stop eating like shit; Out of nothing but sheer laziness, Ive been eating incredibly poorly lately. I know that I feel better when I eat better, Ive just been neglecting that for whatever reason. 4. Run 1000 miles; Less of a profound thing, but I think it ties into sticking better with exercise. Averages out to a little over 3 miles a day. 5. Work on launching a business; Ive had this idea in my idea for a few years about starting a soda company, so I would like to try and set that in motion. I have a few recipes down, but I really know nothing about the logistics involved. 6. Spend more time with my friends 7. Travel somewhere Ive never been
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:00:53 +0000

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