Well its hard believe its been one year ago tonight,,,,,, but it - TopicsExpress


Well its hard believe its been one year ago tonight,,,,,, but it was one year ago tonight that I was in the bathroom getting ready to shower for work when I made the discovery of that UGLY MONSTER that had invaded my body, A.K.A breast cancer. my heart sank, my fears went thru the roof, the tears began to fall, thinking the worst was about to happen , still having a full life ahead of me and two very precious kids who needed me, the question of what am I gonna do if this truly is cancer ? Well by GODS work I had already scheduled my self a Mammo for the very next day , so during the moment of discovery I was actually thinking of cancelling that appointment , thinking Iam barely old enough for a mammo I dont need it, Iam just gonna cancel until I stumbled across that lump, Iam so glad that I went ahead and kept my appointment and made it very clear to them that hey this is what I found , now do something. and from that moment on it was like a whirl wind, it was Drs appointments every other day, it was 3-D images , it was ultra-sounds , it was a biopsy, then my world came crashing down when the confirmation of breast cancer was said to me.. then the MRI showed even more than what we knew we was working with , so by then I was done and had been set up for my double mastectomy with instant reconstruction, and you all know the rest,, I cried daily and prayed hourly for this cancer to go away, with out GOD and all my many friends and family members I could not of gotten thru it, most of you all was right beside me and came outta your busy lives to help me, offered a helping hand, even though its been a year I still think of how those of you who went thru this journey with me how much it meant to me and my family,,, may GOD bless each one of you.. thank GOD my journey is behind me , and thank you GOD I have now been breast cancer free for 9 months,
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 20:25:41 +0000

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