Well, it’s been hard to sit down for the past few days from all - TopicsExpress


Well, it’s been hard to sit down for the past few days from all the spanking I’ve gotten. As one woman said to Don at church this week. “Boy, Lisa is taking a beating on Facebook! Those of you who have been paying attention (and goodness, there are a LOT of you who pay attention to what goes on on my Facebook page; I’ve got to remember that), I took a very unpopular stand on an issue this week. While it is true that the point I was trying to make got lost in all the shouting, allowing for a lot of misinterpretation, it is also true and - more to the point of this essay - I unintentionally hurt a few people whom I respect and love. I also seem to have lost the respect and admiration of a number of others. This sucks. I will not go into any kind of justification of the position I took. Not gonna rehash the issue here. Suffice it to say that, as one friend said “It seems so uncharacteristic of you.” I’m not going to plead temporary insanity, a bad day, or speaking off the cuff. What I AM going to do, though, is tell you that you have been heard loud and clear, even though many people are choosing to discuss this issue with people other than me, thinking it will “get back to me.” Boy oh boy, that REALLY isn’t my style. I’m a “bring it on” kinda girl. But I acknowledge that not everyone is like that, nor is that kind of….shall we say, pugnaciousness? - a quality everyone finds attractive. Ordinarily, this is where I would go for the joke, as I often do when the air gets thick with tension and I make an effort, however misguided it may seem, to lighten the mood. Hard to do in this situation when there are still so many angry hard feelings. Old habits die hard. But I am someone who can learn from her mistakes - well ok, maybe not the first time, but eventually. eventually. So there’s that. I am deeply sorry that people I care about were offended and angered by my comments earlier this week. To the best of my ability, I try not to hurt people on purpose. It’s crappy that I have hurt people unintentionally. I am deeply sorry that it appears that the rift I have caused seems to be permanent. I take responsibility for it. Only time will tell whether these relationships will be healed; I suspect they won’t be, but I am not a very good predictor in such matters. One more thing: understand that I am not sorry (nor am I writing this) BECAUSE I was yelled at, misunderstood or taken to task. I am a big girl and I can handle such things. What i am sorry about is that I hurt people whom I love.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 19:19:26 +0000

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