Well know that I HAVE your attention! Missouri state highway - TopicsExpress


Well know that I HAVE your attention! Missouri state highway patrol has left Ferguson! RonCapt Hug A Thug got into a screaming match with the Chief of Ferguson last night. He made a policy that he apparently didnt get approval from the city chief first. And, they are no longer providing assistance to Ferguson. I am so tired of it all! Police are here to KEEP the peace not look the other way to appease the crowd of trouble makers. The job these men and women do is often thankless. But, without them this would be worse then this. I look at it like this. Lets say Darren wilson is found justified we will see riots and total chaos....if the police stand down, then what? Looting, rioting, total mayhem right? If hes found guilty then what changes....police will be ambused....ignored....disrespected still and open season on cops? My point? No one wins. We ALL have lost. It was NEVER about race, its about a selected few that want discourse that want seperation. Maybe there ARE a few bad apples out there that give all the rest of the true and honest law enforcement agencies a bad name. Humanity is not perfect, but if we try to open a dialogue and try to understand then I think we are heading in the right direction. Am I wrong for being optimistic? I still have hope for the future.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 02:50:18 +0000

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