Well, lately, a lot. Especially the nature of families. I live an - TopicsExpress


Well, lately, a lot. Especially the nature of families. I live an isolated existence with no friends and family that very rarely visit. The only personalised letter I have got from anyone in the two years I have lived here is from the people who put out Watchtower magazine about the bad things that happen to good people. What about the people who look pretty good but cook up schemes to hurt others and themselves, even their families. Recently, I have noticed a marked increase in the number of younger people and even middle aged men using aerosols and stuff to get high. What is their life really like if they are too scared to come clean to their families about how bad it is? This used to be reserved to teenagers. Now every man and his dog is jumping on the bandwagon. Enough of this. I smoke cigarettes and every entire member of my family doesnt. Apart from my son, who has the occasional one. I had a few during pregnancy maybe 12 in total and really cant see the link between women who smoke and birth defects or those that maybe have one drink in their term. He is looking for someone who doesnt smoke or drink to be the mother of his child. Well, good luck son, I hope you find her. For chrissakes dont take too long. As Mum would say, he better hurry up! and my Dad would turn over in his grave along with his father if they knew how he is treating me. Is there any relations of David Anthony Mac Manus out there who could send me $250 in the post? Possibly James his son the famous football player or himself who owes me about $60,000 in maintenance. If you want to dump your child aND RUN EXPECT TROUBLE, bUT ANYWAY I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU AGAIN,just for the hell of it. Ya know? I am a pensioner with no means of support from family, caused mainlt by the many men who have run out on me. Can anyone help? Tthanks I hope I hear. Or phone 0413-825-369 for monetary donations only.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:57:32 +0000

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