Well many, many, moons ago, a little know lassie by the name of - TopicsExpress


Well many, many, moons ago, a little know lassie by the name of Sue, sat at her desk in Cleveland Police working her little Socks off so much so she received a special certificate from the then Chief Inspector Sean Price but now Sacked no longer Chief Inspector. A certificate for being a good ambassador to Cleveland Police. That was until she spoke out about bullying in the work place, Crimes being put into known internally as the black hole. Black hole Cleveland Police turned out to be, via the heads that rolled and they were The Heads s. I suppose in terms of acting, the gods in the industry. That speaking out, lead to a circle of hate, setting up to fail, bullying beyond believe, so much so, at one point i was referred to the crisis team due to the stress it imposed upon me. Home visits via so called people coming out in an effort to facilitate a return to work were also an element of setting up to fail. That setting up to fail, began to work in two directors, mess with me I will mess with you. We started to record home visits, record all calls, request copies of home visits documents to note via our recordings the discrepancies and there was many trust me One home visit as such, whilst out of my front room, i over heard them tell my husband and daughter that potentially I was suffering from Bipolar Depression and what i thought i had actually seen, what i thought was happening, in their opinion it was not!! This conversation let me to put my uniform on for one last time, attend a police station where i was not known, request access to a computer and thus was able still to log in via my log in passwords and download hard evidence they denied existed. That evidence used in court ran to over 2000 pages and was absolutely crucial in starting a wonderful sinking ship, all legally obtained i must say via my work emails. Needless to say, without any form of legal representation just that of my husband Joe and myself, we embarked on a journey to take Cleveland Police to Court and i won my case, given it was referred to the high courts, one pretty special feat and triumph one i am and always will be very very proud of for ever and a day. The Barrister via Cleveland Police was Colin Bourn, naturally our T shirts, suppose we wore, wear them well, Naturally Bourn Winners. That journey led to what was a frenzy on what will i do for employment, who will believe me, how do i explain all of this, feelings of mistrust with people, something i still suffer from today, working from home seemed the most sensible option. Hence Kreative Talent Agency was born, Little fish was spawned and the swimming in some very, very, cold, hard faced waters began, and they were extremely cold in the beginning I can tell you. I have never been one to back down easily on an injustice, in fact hell would freeze over on me accepting one to be honest, not only for myself but anyone in times of need support, and i have taken many a journey via legal representing them in times of need all voluntary and failed i have never yet. Times and support which are the focus of my signature strip on all my out going mail. One i know some dont like, see it not professional, perhaps not grammatically correct either, but its mine , and it stays mine as it is and , trust me, one which is commented on, in a highly positive manner via those in receipt via a high majority. Its from the heart, is me as a person, proud of my efforts and how i am always, it is a very well travelled signature statement below . ‘Well there is something about me that is absolute solid. Never, ever, do I forget my journey in life; never, ever, do I forget the little fish that helped me swim the tidal waves, at times on journeys so rough, it has been hellish at times. Been on so many u bends round, down and back up in life, incredibly so. Everyone is of equal importance, no higher or lower. I love my nickname little fish in the sea and my secret garden, better known as my salmon farm. If you swim in my waters, you swim in my waters, if you pass through, you still swim in my waters but missed the tide to connect to the shore, but bet your life if in times of need, you will find that tide, they always do. Don’t know what journey I am supposed to be on in life, but my eyes are always wide open and see a lot more than I could have ever asked to see and can’t let those in that vision, in need, out of my sight until sorted’. Sue Francis. So Kreative Talent is born, the fight, North verses South is born, one which came about via a phone call one day from the BBC, yes the BBC I can hear you say, telling me that the Northern Accent , location and all was not generally accepted and offers to be included in casting briefs not proceeded with. That element left me in a bit of a I will show you we dont do Northern. London number was bought for the agency, bit of tact re voice changing my rather northern to more RP and bingo not long before Little fish was in receipt of BBC castings, and the doors of many and our first lead came via Robert Foster as Henry in BBC Just William, what a role it was to secure too and quite ironic give the above too. Your probably wondering where the little fish in the sea comes from. Well my lovely casting associates at Fruitcake casting always have a highly friendly banter, call me assorts with a wonderful fun lament. On asking where i was from I stated, from the Big Smoke, that being the Big Smoke of Corus Steel works, told them i was dipping my toes in the northern sea as I spoke, further explained that i may well be a little fish in the sea but I had some clout, we did laugh and still do. Sent them rock kippers following this call. Told them I was a trout in training to be a Salmon, their lament helped me a lot. That little fish in the sea, once trout in training to be a Salmon, soon surpassed and before long was the owner of a salmon farm, caught many in the upstream on which Kreative Talent Agency was more than a name to be known, it is the place of hard working, knowledgeable, dedicated, take no for an answer in terms of breaking down the barriers to be seen, no casting Via Location etc and building many rapports with high end casting teams. See rainbows in all, give rainbows to some who least saw any chance of hope, my favourite in this has to be Jonathan Payne and the link below, with many many thanks to Hubbard Casting for seeing some worth in the boy, one i have grown to love as person. https://vimeo/101408219 taking a role in the feature film Selfish Giant via Hubbard Casting and then a huge thank you too Michelle Smith Casting Ltd via Jonathans confirm in Urban Shed and Crew which followed with Grant Gillen in Waterloo Road. In the Midst of all of this we have booked some very special roles, incredibly special, many many roles via leads in CBBC Dumping Ground , CBBC Wolfblood, CBBC 4 O clock Club, Waterloo Road, Emmerdale of Course Thorne SPLATALOT and Splatalot via Catherine Willis Casting who has been more than supporting of Kreative too. many a casting team are too. too many to mention all. One in particular will always stick in my mind, a Spotlight notice for Known TV lead role actors only NO PHONE CALLS OR EMAILS , submissions via spotlight only You know the ones I mean as an actor us lesser gods have to conform sometimes. On this one, i dared myself a dare. I had spotted the most amazing person on Facebook sneakily gliding down the side messages. A little bit of a Mr or Mrs Bean moment, but i thought , hmmm he looks interesting, i like him. Like him, i have grown to love my eldest son, his mammy as I call myself Guillaume Delaunay was in France, to England he came, with the help of Thorne Elliott Francis. I rang a casting director stating i had this person i believed would be of interest, not a known talent, but I know he would be given the chance, asking for him to be seen, and seen he was, the most amazing meeting followed with @Karen lindsay Stewart Casting and you can imagine a meeting with Julie Walters, Harry Hill, Mat Lucas, Simon Bird and all, excitement or what! Did he get the part, naturally he did. Proud of that i am too the barn door was open actor Guillaume Delaunay was officially born in the UK and since gone onto many a feature film ,most recent Asylum and so his work goes on. I have worked , hours, after hours, given my time endlessly to people to help with castings etc, prepare for them too, worked my little fingers to the bone almost, and became best friends with the international clock placing Kreative Talent Agency in all quarters of the globe, one little fish jumped climbed the good ship lollipop for sure. Last year was difficult, My husband had a cancer scare, the advert where it brings you to your knees, that is no understatement, it brought me to my knees. We lost someone very close, i called him dad, broke my heart seeing him taken in such a short time scale, just a person who came to love us a family and took us all as we were, the most special man ever. My Cuckoo, he called me everyday, i miss him greatly and always will. My son was involved in a Road Traffic accident, most will know of the year long battle i have endured to bring to justice what can only be a fraudulent claim, one which the person making the claim had to back down and accept all fees on both sides, a decision he arrived at 6pm on the evening of a family funeral the eve before the court case. he certainly battled the wrong little fish, who wears a dont mess with me regards to my kinder of those i hold close. Trust me, it was one battle taking on Aviva insurance and solicitors alike, But win the case for my son i did just that. Castings, last year, my lord it just became a mission some would say impossible , but impossible is achievable dare to dream, sunflowers dont hide the stand tall!! last year this little Sunflower climb the heights, so much so a decision on all was made. Time out for holidays and all involved a phone plugged to my ear always and laptop in hand always. Decisions, Decisions, way forward and all, Soooooooooooo knowing of where it all started and how it all began, and much in need of some time out, someone i have come to know, involved with since the creation of Kreative was offered to become involved with Kreative Cakesive. Hence the introduction of Helen. Helen has bought into kreative and is now a fully Fledged Director of Kreative Talent Agency she has been working hard, making a name only site, please dont ask about putting actors on a website it will be agency name, contact, banner only. Like the page, make yourself known to Helen etc. I will be still involved working in the back ground on the contracts we hold, they are many and on the current features too and work via international links. Helen will determine what changes she wishes to make to the agency via her Directors cap, she has to and wear it well and I know she will. Any queries re castings for actors will be via Helen Helen but for a few on my side etc, i have spoken to those involved etc and they know the reason why too. Well i am going to have some free time. and i mean free time, not quite a retirement plan as yet, cant imagine my brain being at rest , still lots to do and want to do, madness will always be the plan. Holidays, meeting people, helping some kids into the industry whos parents cannot afford classes or other etc, lots and lots and lots of time out. Most importantly, my book Purple Fury, my journey through to now is in progress, need to get that finished year. My cookery book i hope to do that this year too and believe or not, i too will possibly return to that acting i did many moons ago, bet most of you dont know i was in a feature film with Max Wall, Yup!! now that does show my age, but young, i am at that. So tomorrow night i am starting dancing Classes with Alison and Paul and my Joey, Creoc here we come, medal lessons and all then no doubt i will be on strictly come dancing at some point. BUT Emmerdale Studios one day perhaps i will be , making that nannie of mine as proud , room of that village for me, what do you think, imagine me !! yes I can yeeeeeeh. I am also starting to do some youtube cookery lessons for people too. Re kindle the knitting from many moons ago, and of course manage the back drop to Kreative, call it the bunker seems as though I am always in it. Currently in talks for a lead role in America, if it does not come of then sure it will next time for a certain person. I only ever see rainbows, live life in my book, never in anyone elses, how could I, born to be different, born to be me, someone who sees rainbows in the clouds and dives in full steam ahead even if a blanked of snow hits me full on. Melt I might at times but shine I am positive I always will even if to myself only lol. Lots of hills have been climbed in creating Kreative, not for the faint heated, and I have done with the help of Grace Francis Ell Tell Francis Kristian Francis and my lovely rainbow maker Joey. Blessed I am at that. Surprised, ??? dont be, live is full of surprises, no ship keeps sailing in the same sea in the same direct path for ever, rolls and surf and new people bring new light and mystery. Be good to Helen , she is like me, takes no messing and has been researching especially the kids on kreative for a long time, a long time trust me. Dont forget to like the page above and give a bit of encouragement to Helen. Not that she needs it but hello is a start, after all she could be calling you in soon. As for me, have a plan called lots to do, god willing and all, work mixed with some pleasure is on the cards most important all this has brought me a family a wealth and so many people from USA and All i travel via name and posts to all, quite taken at times will the command people seem to think i hold. Someone always close to my heart will be too Octavia Selena Alexandru what a journey we have been through, remember that day i travelled to meet you all many moons ago. Well always travel through our journey for sure entwined, no doubt about it, with your mum, i will cut your hair my sister, and Victor your loving dad, How have we all grown. yeeeeeeeeee better get me dancing shoes lined up, ready for a date or too, I is on a mission for some long hard earned fun. Helen you have some boots to fill misses, might have a Directors Cap but have to earn a sunflower to climb the walls, I have a field of gold right now and many thanks and appreciation to all who have seen this all through. Impressed I am, of me naturally, and why not. Love from this no longer little fish in the sea, one might fine sunflower who stands tall and captain of her very own ship, The Francis Family, I have not disappeared honest but Helen is going to earn her boots, and I mean earn them so make her work.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 23:24:00 +0000

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