Well, mighty apostle demon blaster Chris lasala has decided to put - TopicsExpress


Well, mighty apostle demon blaster Chris lasala has decided to put me on his hit list, as I dared to call him out.... lol Here is his response video to my response video, and here is my written response to his response...... man, a lot of responses in that sentence.... lol. My Response: As I have posted on your main channel Chris, I have actually performed an exorcism, and to be honest, it is nothing like what you do, or many a pseudo deliverance minister. And for sure, it was performed on a none Christian, as no Saint will Christ suffer to be possessed. Though I do find it amusing that you say, that a Christian can suffer a demon in the flesh, but make that distinct from the body. Let me make this clear to you, a demon cannot possess a Saint, be it in body, soul or spirit. FLESH (σάρξ sarx/body, flesh, the body of a man)...... nice try though..... lol, but you are in error. As for speaking to Jan Boshoff, I never said that you orally spoke to him, I actually said, Perhaps, Jan Boshoffs distain for the Holy Writ has rubbed off onto you. Also, the verse in Zechariah, I had not once said it wasnt in regard to the second coming, my emphasis was on the fact that His Saints are precious. Nice try though...... lol. Again, your attempts to aggravate my pride, and presume that I am inane are not going to make me bite, even when you try and belittle..... Again, again, satan and the fallen ones were creations, just like us, and the point is and was, a creation has no power over the creator. Again, again, again, the scriptures I quote, were to show that God will not share His glory or His possessions, to which His Saints are. And finally, I feel that it is you who is in need of learning biblical ABCs as oft, I see you contextually make a mock of scriptures, not even at time using basic hermeneutics, nor even making a correct exegesis on biblical passages. Though you do seem to have master the art of eisegesis and presuppose what fits your opinion..... In Christ... Bill.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:08:29 +0000

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