Well my car died last week, Gave me a loaner. It got caught in a - TopicsExpress


Well my car died last week, Gave me a loaner. It got caught in a three way accident. Not bad, I am O.K. Car is not as new as before! Had to go to a funeral. Then to work to have a test done. Equipment failed. Have to go back. Loss, or had my G.P.S. taken. The other back up G.P.S. is all of a sudden broke. Was on/off today about going to the pool. Very cloudy. Dediced I needed some exercise. Some how myself and another kid were electrocuted. Not just a shock. I lost my URINE shock. Apx. 4 sec. Never felt anything like that before. Could not hold on to the rail to get out of the pool. I hollered to the life guard I was electrocuted he laughed. A man with a thick accent then came out and removed some wires from the pool site and announced soooK now!! Then the 15 yrs old said she was also in the same spot and was electrocuted a minute before. The life guard heard her and also laughed.. Scarred the hell out of me! WTF?? Have a headach. No other damage. It felt like a tazor. I have never been tazed. Sucks to be me this week. Kath
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 22:26:45 +0000

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