Well, my daughter, Mikala, asked why I havent posted the news I - TopicsExpress


Well, my daughter, Mikala, asked why I havent posted the news I received last Thursday. What news? Apparently I am now CANCER FREE!!! I am still in a state of shock. Although it is what I prayed would happen, it is still a little hard to believe. My tumor count has gone up (along with my weight), and then my count would go down (sounds like a rollercoaster ride, right?). Last week I met with Dr. Purcell and Dr. Womack who informed me that my scans and tests are both clean!!! Hallelujah! We will continue to monitor the one potentially suspicious spot on my liver, which could be something or nothing at all. Probably scar tissue or fat (Yup, chunky monkey here ...). Dr. Purcell said I dont have to do another set of scans and tests for a year. CRAZY! After leaving the doctor’s office, I cried big tears of joy and once again had a skip in my step. I smiled at the sky and smelled the air which was clean and filled with the scent of freshly fallen rain. I so wanted to tell my Mama. This was what I was waiting for in order to tell her of the diagnosis. Of course, now she knows - even before I knew. Man, I miss her! Right now Im still floating on air and trying to wrap my mind around the news. I know I, of all people, shouldnt be surprised that the Lord healed me. In a way there is a feeling of guilt ... praying and supporting those new-found friends who are battling this rare, individualistic cancer. My comments have always pointed back to the Lord, knowing that He alone is bigger than any cancer. I pray He will continue to speak through me to encourage my friends who are struggling with this disease. His strength ... not mine. In the meantime, I continue to seek beauty in the everyday moments remembering each moment is a gift from God. I love to play in the rain. I love to play with my children, grandchildren and friends. I am truly blessed. How ironic ... todays scripture was I am a God who heals. I know He truly is. I guess this is the reason I feel I can share now. To my friends who continue to be in the midst of the battle, I will continue to stand with you and fight, to support you and encourage you. Although this may only be a pause in this battle, I know my God lives and can heal. To my husband, children, grandson, Little Bit, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and friends who have been walking with me through this, WOW! Thank you for your love, patience and additional family time. I may not have given birth to one of you, but you definitely were born in my heart. No one could love you more. So, to my children who have and continue to stand by my side and research this creature, I so love you! I look forward to walking in the rain with you, campfires and smores, quiet times and playing on the beach. You make my heart warm and fill it with love. Now, we look forward to the birth of another grandson (at least we think hes a boy). May Jesus continue to have his hand upon my family. Where would we be without Him? Really???
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 03:19:13 +0000

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