Well my friends it has been a good day today as I made some new - TopicsExpress


Well my friends it has been a good day today as I made some new friends, consolidated my friendship with some of you and chose to trim my friends list a little. I dont know if any of you have ever had the experience of pruning/trimming a rose bush before (Mike Hunter has I know for sure heheh) but the harsher you are the better the roses bloom when re-growing. I treat my Facebook friends list like a rose bush with some severe pruning of my list and you my friends which remain blossom as the finest roses to know and cherish. I think that all the heavy pruning has now come to an end now which is good as I dont enjoy the pruning process but it has given me you my roses of friendship and so I am grateful. I have considered advising new friends that I tag my friends unless they want there page to be on a certain theme which is understandable like John La Tourrette who likes to focus his page on the martial arts and so forth. I have decided against doing this as even if people become my friend and then get upset at posts arriving on their page and they either leave or are pruned I believe more good might occur than harm. I am not being egotistical in thinking that the majority of my tags might perhaps be beneficial as the feedback from most of you indicates that you enjoy what I have been posting to you. Perhaps they meet one of my friends who doesnt tag and they become good friends, perhaps the experience of being pruned enables them to ponder the way they feel about tagging or gives them some other lesson. If none of the above then perhaps they appreciate the silence and solitude of their own pages all the more once they have escaped me, the serial tagger! I dont think I need to tell you why I consider tagging to be beneficial to people experiencing the best of Facebook as you guys are experienced Facebookers not like me with just a couple of months experience but I will sum it up briefly in why I do think it good (most of the time, see exception above). Social networking on Facebook can be very similar in dynamics as in our offline friendships and by that I mean what do you like to do with those friends? You want to share things with them dont you? What you did that day or week, what movies and music you like, who youre met and what you have plans and desires for and many other individual things. Apart from running a page on a certain theme I can understand some people wanting to have their pages untouched by anyone but themselves. How you might wonder can I have this understanding when I am oriented to serial tagging. I have this understanding because until recently I felt the exactly the same way. For those of you who dont know I joined Facebook with the sole reason of doing so so that my daughter Sara would be able to see what Im doing in my life and want to get in touch with me again as currently she is not talking with me as she feels I let her down the last time I visited her. She has every right to feel this way as I did let her down but it was due to my ill health and a sister who convinced my father to cut me out of his will the day before he died (If by any chance you read this Jenny I will forgive you if you do the right thing and phone my relatives and tell them the truth about your lies, $60 000 would be nice as I could then buy Sara the computer and car which I had promised her). I wanted my Facebook page to be under my total control so that when she saw it she saw exactly what I wanted her to see. I was super paranoid about being tagged as I had had it happen once and it was someone posting an article to my page which called me stupid for believing in the reality of consciousness affecting the quantum sub atomic world and by extension the reality of the big world as we know it. I quickly deleted the post worrying irrationally that Sara may have seen it, thats how paranoid I was and how much I craved total control on my pages content. My orientation to being tagged myself has only altered in the past two days, I was wanting to tag other people but there was no way I wanted to be receiving an influx of posts onto my page! As Id be flat out deleting things or so I then felt, I wanted TOTAL CONTROL (now that is egotistical and untrusting of my friends in my view). Ironically my attitude was affected by one of my last raves on tagging and people getting upset and abusing me. It wasnt that I said anything that caused me to question my attitude as I held a strong conceited view that I was totally right to be thinking the way I was, what is was was a comment I received back on my rave of tagging which I had tagged everyone of my friends with except John and that comment was this: I hope you dont mind being tagged yourself Bruce Cole WHAT WHAT Oh no my worst fear was upon me! What to do! I just stared in disbelief at the comment It was nestled amongst comments which said Thats fine Enjoy your tags, carry on Please tag me! Etc etc Oh no all my friends might see that comment and the flood may start, HELP I thought there might be a way to delete it and go into damage control when the flood began I know it was a terrible reaction but that was just how I honestly reacted. As I continued to look despairingly at the comment I began to feel like a hypocrite as that is exactly what I was. I knew I owed this friend a response and my finger just hovered over the like button, I had no choice ethically did I? I liked their comment and went for a cigarette to calm my nerves, all your own fault Bruce you created this situation now you gotta live with it. After some time I realised that I owed this friend more than simply liking their comment and hoping nobody would take any interest, this really put my transformation into over drive as I typed a response Yes of course Fortunately a flood of posts never occurred at that time as it would have shaken my shaking nerves. I did get one or two posts and they were good. Hey that was quite good I thought after spending an enjoyable time involved in the comments section of those posts. That would be good for Sara to see, you know she could see just what a brilliant dad she had and how respected I was lol :)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 10:02:41 +0000

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