Well my little winged snapdragons and hominy true gritters, its - TopicsExpress


Well my little winged snapdragons and hominy true gritters, its been 24 days since I checked myself into the unmc hospital system and thru it all,I am more convinced that this has everything to do with a much needed and now-welcomed forging by fire and rebirth for me, for which, i am grateful at a second chance at life-- to do some things differently. And you should know that I not sitting here thinking that someone getting sick is always a gateway to some new life-changing epipany. Nobody needs sick kids, etc and people can get sick in ways which makes them constantly miserable or needful of medically induced comas.. There is a young man, who came in here in bed A (cuz I took the b window bed, i am so high maintenance!) after midnight on saturday, suffering from seizures and blackouts, following head trauma in an auto accident a couple of weeks back. Hes only been conscious for few minutes total since being here. Ive spoken with his mother and do what little I can do. His name is bro anthony, he lost his job, because of this, so i hope prayers and well wishes from our team out there will go out for bro Anthony startting today for his healing and recovery of his quality of life. I have learned that even in a move of God you cant box him in. And as counterintuitive and down right unAmerican as it sounds to me as a natural man it is to say, sometimes you have to wait on the God. In my spirit, i know if i had my way last thursday and gotten into that ambulance that was waiting for me at this hospital to take me to spinal rehab at 1:00 p.m. instead of having a second spinal surgery it would have been devaststing to my testimony, and my prospects for recivery,as I would been outside of what had been intended for me, and would likely never have walked again. All those hold ups, pathology reports and otherwise, things seemingly keeping me from PT/OT which was MY priority, but when my feet started to fail again and the drs went in to drain suspected fluids buiilding up around my spine,and found the tumors had regrown in my spine in two weeks-- not to bone, but to flesh. Dr sanser, told my wife he was floored to find the total regrowth so quickly.. He also told her he did the whole procedure from open to close himself becauuse he wanted it done just so. And that, friends, is the essence of relationship. The first surgery he did to me as a stranger from Waldorf, done well of course, adding my titanium spinal underamour. But I was still in surgery for 2 1/2 more hours after he completed what he considered was part of the with the first surgery, including clean up and close. Now that we have come to have a weight-bearing, trustworthy relationship, he carries an added duty of care within our convenant, as do I. its like in (John 15:15) i know longer call you servants because servants do not know there masters business, instead i call you Friends because everything I have learned from my Father, i have made known to you Somehow, I am a friend to God and Dr. Sanser-- and thats huge! My mom and brother david spent the weekend got in face time and got me goodies ( great appetite), cousin Anita Ruth brought my laptop so I can work, the only way I let my childhood friend frat bro steve eure up here is with a two lbs of spiced steamed shrimp bribe, but he helped me move out of ICU,-- khera brought me some pizza one night and from royal farms fried chicken and potato wedges and roll Kim, brought me a chipotle steak, bean and rice burrito-- one bite and i am. regular again-- must be the...? The sunday hospital dinner wasnt bad roast beef mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, fruit cup and a blue popsicle-- which was sooo giood and a big surprise to see. Kim brought little Trey up here who was in the waiting room with our niece meisha. He refused to leave without seeing me-- so they rolled me to the lobby to play with my young son, who showed me a couple of lariat type roping tricks with a key chain-- this is how you do it daddy Indeed my son, indeed! When this is all over, i believe there wiil faith-based and tangible evidence of what happens when there is no fear factor in the treatment the body, superior medical skills, there is no dynamic downward mood swing and one truly accepts thy will be done-- but does not accept that that disease is his. I heard a lady yesterday talking about her bad leg well she constantly called for it to be her bad leg everytime she mentioned it. I never claimed this cancer in my body as mine and never will because its not my cancer. What are you claiming in your life that you dont really want. (James 3:4)and a tiny rudder makes an entire ship go wherever the pilot wants, but also the tongue is a small thing but what great damage it could dio. ---/Or great good for that matter! To God be the glory! Lets please remember tio pray or send welll wishes for brother anthony today as. I finish up my chipotle-- man!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 08:01:48 +0000

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