Well, my pics show purple..this says my aura is pink..close!! ... - TopicsExpress


Well, my pics show purple..this says my aura is pink..close!! ... LOL Your aura is Pink: Love, sincerity, affection and generosity are perfect words to describe you. Your pink aura indicates that youve achieved a perfect balance between your spiritual and material existence. You love to be surrounded by friends and family. You love to love and to be loved, while you hate conflicts and arguments. You take care of your body and spread a positive and healing energy to those around you. The pink aura is very rare, so is the person who has it. What are Pink Auras and what does it mean to have pink as one of the dominant colors of the Aura? The Aura colors that surround an individual usually can reflect their personality and point to their future destiny. Pink Aura people are by nature loving and giving. They love to be loved too, they gather around them close friends and family at every opportunity. They like to host family events and are very generous of their time. They have a high regard for their health and will look after their bodies with good diet, nutrition and exercise. Pink Aura people are very romantic and once they have found their soulmate will stay faithful, loving and loyal for life. The Pink Aura individual is a natural healer, highly sensitive to the needs of others and has strong psychic abilities. They also have very creative ideas and strong imaginations. Because these personality traits the Pink Aura person makes great writers of novels, poetry or song lyrics. The Pink Aura individual hates injustice, poverty and conflicts. They strive always to make the world a better place and will make personal sacrifices in the pursuit of this ideal. Pink Aura people are strong willed and highly disciplined and will expect high standards from others. They have strong values and morals and seldom deviate from them. Because of their honesty and likable nature they are valued as employees but also make excellent employers because of their sense of fairness.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:31:08 +0000

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