Well no voters, its finally here. I know many are sitting up - TopicsExpress


Well no voters, its finally here. I know many are sitting up tonight with feelings of sheer anxiety and fear in their stomachs, you are not alone. Tomorrow the stakes could not be higher. Tomorrow is monumental, the eyes of the world are upon us. I for one am feeling rather lucky to have been apart of this extraordinary adventure. This group was originally created out of frustration. I was, like many others fooled into pages claiming to be run by no campaigners for no campaigners. However these false groups turned out to be nothing more than a desperate attempt from separatists to lure and bully No voters. This kind of behaviour has been my biggest annoyance throughout the referendum campaign. I found it very difficult to understand why yes voters acted this way? Why was it that at every pro-union rally a separatist mob turned up to heckle and yell at the top of their lungs? Why was it that every debate held on TV the independence activists tried to shout the loudest and talk over pro-union activists? Why was it that Jim Murphy MP was hounded on a daily basis by a very aggressive band of yessers? Why dont the yes campaign want the people of Scotland to hear both sides of the argument? Were they hoping that if they shout loud enough the undecided among us wouldn’t be able to hear pro-union cause? Surely we are all capable of making up our own minds based on the information we receive. I think the yes behaviour is down to something else all together however. I think they shout the loudest because they are trying to convince themselves. I can no longer sit and attempt to convince people which way to vote. I feel we are at the stage that if you are still on the fence and genuinely don’t know, then the case for independence has not been made, and you should vote accordingly. Tomorrow is a democratic and exciting process than many have fought and died for. Please, Please use your vote. If its gale force winds and rain droplets are the size of Maltesers don your nicest winter jacket and vote. If your struggling to get to a polling station please ask a friend or family member. If that fails message me and Ill personally do everything in my power to get you to your polling station. Lets stay united Scotland. Lets tell the rest of the World loud and clear what this country thinks about nationalist ideologies. Lets choose hope and progression over walls and exclusion. Most of all lets show our neighbours that we dont want to say goodbye.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 22:08:46 +0000

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