Well now i know why we keep loosing this GMO labeling initiative. - TopicsExpress


Well now i know why we keep loosing this GMO labeling initiative. Yesterday i had quite a debate about Monsanto. Great person bad points and views regarding Monsanto. The impact that this company has over people is just insane!! This person was pro Monsanto, like every misconception one could have, he said it. Monsanto is great, we need them to feed the world. So Not True. He knew a lot about the company so Im glad Im was more than ready to engage, i was one of three in this debate with pro Monsanto man. People Monsantos goal is to own and patent every seed known to man and they most definitely sue farmers for patent infringement costing tons of cash in court, a real nightmare. Do i need to go down the list of health effects now related to genetically engineered crops and fake food. An alarming amount of People are being effected by this so when someone tells me so youd rather let people starve than to plant GMOs i believe its doing way more harm than good. So i go into the suicide belt in India and how over 250,000 indian famers commented suicide by drinking Round Up the chemical used on these crops. They did this to relieve their families of debt with Monsanto, wanting to break ties paying with their lives. So sickening. Agent Orange was the first thing i mentioned and when i see peoples lack of compassion for humanity it just sucks.. Other countries have now banned GMOs because they now know they are not safe for livestock and human consumption. I sure hope people that are not informed will do some more research. Actions throughout the world are taking place to take back our right to eat organic unmodified food with no chemicals that will harm us. That is our god given right. I sure hope more people will bring themselves to take a stand, get out there with us on the next worldwide march against Monsanto on May 24th. Show the world that Fresno is with it and we dont want chemicals in our food period. This is absolutely not an attack on the gentleman i was speaking with, just simply mentioning that a lot of work is in order, we need to reach more people. We need to spread the word..
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 14:46:21 +0000

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