Well of course I was disappointed yesterday at the abrupt end of - TopicsExpress


Well of course I was disappointed yesterday at the abrupt end of the Dharna and was a bit emotional too so criticized IK as well. Considering all circumstances, it was a good decision and seeing the reaction of journalists, analysts and general public, it looks to be a brilliant decision. And what has heartened me most is that PTI supporters, who I consider as stakeholders, are good with the decision. So all in all, brilliant. However, my concern about Status Quo coming out victorious out of this still remains. This is what I wrote yesterday when fully emotional and it is still very valid when emotions are down. I posted screenshots of some tweets by different analysts and Nada Ashraf asked, what are my thoughts and this is what I replied: Yar I still havent come to terms with it yet. If everyones praising, must be a good decision. My problem is that these Sharifs are really bagairat. All that fight against status quo will go to waste. At least I fear that. Just like everyone else, Im very disturbed at the killings of those children. The whole nation is bleeding but then this Tehreek had blood on it too. People have sacrificed lives for freedom from this status quo. The people who died on August 30 died for a cause. The people who died in Multan sacrificed their lives for Naya Pakistan. That young lad who died in Faisalabad was also a young son of a mother. I fear that this Tehreek will stop here. Nawaz and Shahbaz are perhaps bigger criminals than these terrorists if you could believe me. Was Model Town incident any less of a disaster? 100 people shot at by a state institution led by these Sharifs. Now these murderers will lead the fight against another murderer? Yup yesterdays incident was as terrible as it can get but these sharifs along with the status quo had been doing a lot more damage. Its 20 crore people we have been talking about. Thar kids were any less? 200 or more kids have been killed because of bloody negligence. Why these bastards shouldnt be hanged? Those assholes who did yesterdays act might be brainwashed but what about our hukmaran? In Punjab infants died in hospitals because of not enough resources. Bridges over human lives? I dont know. Perhaps too harsh to blame IK. It was perhaps a decision in the larger national interest and perhaps it was a forced decision, either by situation or by fauj. Sharifs will sleep happy today. They say evil has its winning ways unfortunately. This status quo is too deep rooted. But I think lets keep the hope going. Lets see how things unfold. I have confidence in Military and Gen Raheel. He has a clear vision. The end of Dharna will give our military that much needed consensus to fight much needed war. With Army busy and pressure of the Dharna gone, Sharifs will be back to what they do best. Looting the country and doing bucket loads of corruption. I think Judicial Commission will be formed but I dont have much faith in our Judiciary. Either the result will be too late or too blurry and either case, I see this thing resuming by End March. Im very hopeful Khan wont let this go that easily. Imran Khan @ImranKhanPTI 1h1 hour ago Decision on whether to return to the National Assembly will only be taken after, and depending upon, the findings of the Judicial Commission The above tweet is very encouraging and tells you that it isnt over for Sharfis. Not by any stretch of the imagination. To all the insafians, consider is as a winter break and on the back of a National tragedy and a greater cause, a necessary step. Gear up for another battle and this time it will be decisive and in our favor. InshaAllah.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:25:36 +0000

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