Well, on the whole it has been a really HORRIBLE year, but sat - TopicsExpress


Well, on the whole it has been a really HORRIBLE year, but sat here tonight in my own house, warm and well-fed I realise I actually have quite a lot to be thankful for. There have been times this year when I wondered if I would ever be this safe and secure again or whether I was literally on the brink of losing everything. But here I am, snuggled up with the dog, wine in the fridge, snacks in the pantry, kids out having fun...all is as it should be. And tomorrow is not just the first day of 2015, but also the first day of the rest of my life. So much to look forward to - finishing my degree, tackling loads of new creative projects, being on hand with a roast dinner and a home-baked cake for my family and friends whenever they need a bit of Lous home comfort, starting my allotment garden, making a success of the second winter homeless project, at least one holiday abroad and maybe even a few parties and festivals along the way!!! 2014 has been one hell of a journey and Ive learnt a lot along the way. Im still here, stronger than ever and trying really hard not to let any of it make me too cynical, because that just isnt what Im about. I am carrying no bitterness into the New Year with me, just motivational energy and a bit of a wiser head! So, just a quick shout out to all of you who one way or another touched my life this year, for better or worse it brought me to where I am tonight and I cant thank you enough! Happy New Year, one and all!! Lets make 2015 one to remember for all the right reasons!!! Peace and Love, Lou x x x x x
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 20:16:16 +0000

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