Well once again I dont know where the minutes keep going but here - TopicsExpress


Well once again I dont know where the minutes keep going but here they are.....See you Tonight DONT FORGET NOMINATIONS FOR LOCAL 28 OFFICERS START TONIGHT!!!!!! LOCAL 28 MINUTES-AUGUST 1, 2014 Meeting was held at Pulaski County Shrine Club on August 1, 2014 at 07:04 PM, All officers were present except for Newsletter. President, Larry Wheeler led the local in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence was observed for our Brothers and Sisters past and present. REPORTS: Secretary: Mr. Pool made a motion to accept minutes as they were put out on the web, facebook, and email. Dennis Flick seconded the motion, and minutes were approved with a raise of hand vote. Treasurer: Local account: $ 6,069.59 Slush Fund: $ 265.32 Product Line: Local 28 we have hats and t-shirts for purchase. Safety: Steve Sagi, mentioned about his son’s Atoms accident about how he got hit head on. Asked if Atom could take the floor. Atom addressed Local 28 with a huge thank you for the money and card we sent and it was greatly appreciated. Steve Sagi wanted to emphases that no matter how safe of a rider you can be and do everything right accidents and bad situations can still happen so we as the riders still need to be cautious and prepared the best we can. Still remember quick breaking and keep your eyes out! C.C. Rep: Merel put out from C.C. Meeting that was held on July 13, 2014. *Be careful about municipalities, some of them have the right to trump State Laws-Called the Home Rule. In The United States, some states constitutionally or legislatively grant home rule to cities, counties, and municipalities within their border. These are called “home rule states.” Local governments in home rule states are free to pass laws and ordinances as they see fit to further their operations, within the bounds of the states and federal constitutions. *By Law Change Proposals-Article 2. Membership, Article 2.2A Membership and Article 6 Locals all having to do with Funding issues were defeated. *It was voted on to refuse membership to an ex-spouse of a member because of behavior and physical threats toward the Central Committee Officers, Cabinet Members and other members of FORR. *It was suggested that a sort of Capture the Flag incentive program be established. It would be a visit your members Local game. A local officer and other members in a group of no less than three visit a local sponsored event and be given a traveling object such as a small Flag, poker chip or other item by that local. A single event (onetime only) no multiple visits. This item would then be surrendered at the FEW Seminar each year for an award for some type for the local with the most items. Looking for suggestions. Willingness to participate and etc… Each local would need about 37 items. Newsletter: Not present Membership: Bill announced Birthdays and Anniversaries. Local 28 currently has 171 members. We had 37 members present at the meeting with 1 guest. Thanks so much to whom all showed. Vice President: Steve Lincoln touched back on safety that we are coming up on deer season so they will start to be moving back around keep your eyes out for them too. C.C. our Local has lost votes at state level cause the drop in our membership. Next month we start nominations for Local 28 Officers!!! Start thinking!!!!! Halloween Bash is coming up in October, We don’t have a committee or anything in play yet we need help if not guess that even will just go away like the Valentine did. President: We received $3,500 from Freedom Rally and all of our shifts were worked!!! Kathy made a motion to send $1,500 to the PAC fund at State. Mr. Pool seconded was passed with one opposed by Retha Bennett. USO sent us a thank you letter for all the help with the USO Ride back in June. We need two permanent and two alternate people to be Mid-America Freedom Rally Reps. The Meetings are held third weekend of every month. Tommy Shaw volunteered to be a primary along with Sue Miller as a primary. Still need to alternates. Slush Fund collected $ 68.00 50/50 was $ 83.00 Incentive Winner- Atom Sagi and choose Membership Larry asked that all members be thinking of Officer Nominations, they start in Next Month!!!! Tommy Shaw made a motion to end the meeting, John Pool seconded motion all voted and we adjourned at 8:03 PM. Next Local 28 Meeting will be held on September 5, 2014 starting at 07:00PM.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:01:33 +0000

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