Well, reflecting on my past year, it ended poorly, but over all - TopicsExpress


Well, reflecting on my past year, it ended poorly, but over all was a good year. The first two months saw draw backs as I lost my grandmother and got into an argument with my former employer....but that lead to a better job and an open door on the ground floor. SSI and the VA continues to play games, now claiming that I can return to law enforcement, while saying Im unfit to pass a physical and keeping my Social Security Number flagged as unemployable. The only blessing in that is that the back pay will be wonderful once this is done and they retire me. I about had the church funding settled when unforeseen circumstances cost me dearly. Between the pinched nerve causing damage and being unable to perform in November, the house repairs, and the car going boom, and everything in December including two whirlwind trips, I nearly landed into the same financial situation I was in four years ago when they fought me over unemployment and then cut the funding soon after it started as Texas dipped into single digits. Thank God for my parents, some savings,my wife, and a support system. However, it has put me off schedule for now. Perhaps it was not the right time, perhaps the enemy knows that it would be bad for him and put obstacles in my way...who knows. I havent given up hope on the project but will have to look for other means to fund it. Ill pray on it and God will open the door. I lost my grandfather at the end of the year. It is sad that funerals bring out the best and the worst in people, especially family. It was great to see them, but also difficult with greed rearing its ugly head. I wasnt told till morning about how big my part in the funeral, but I spoke quick and brief on a man I loved. I told the story of a man that many liked, many different, but always protective of those he loved. He would tell stories and talk your ear off, and everyone there had stories to share even if they never spoke of them aloud. I learned some things I didnt know, like why he separated from the military. Who could blame a 17 year old kid for wanting to go home after watching many friends die and injuring himself, even if it cost him benefits...in fact I respect him more instead of thinking he was a coward at a young age and grew into someone I respected over his lifetime. That brings me to my family and friends in Clinton, I really didnt have time to see all of you all , and for that I am sorry. I am however alive to see you my next trip and promise I will be there soon as I can get the retirement business settled as my wife and I both noticed we are home sick. We love our friends here, but something has to be said for being near family and I would rather visit on better terms then a death. However, if anyone can find the VFW individual that was at the funeral, thank him for me. He showed up after people went in, stood apart from the family at the grave side, offered a lone salute, then disappeared into the cold and dismal day. There was also a flag that had been draped on the casket. Because my grandfather didnt think he deserved the honor, it was properly folded and still displayed properly at the funeral home, I want to assure him of that...thank you sir, who ever you are. Over all, the year started bad and ended bad, and yet...it was a great year! I have 1930 readers on my Journalist Brandon Walker page and over 2300 friends and loved ones on my personal page. What preacher worth his salt can not thank God that he can reach a congregation of 4230 people without being confined to four walls. That is not counting the millions of people who read my articles this past year. Without them, and you all, I would be nothing. I am ever so humbled to reach such an audience. I even ran into a car man in Weatherford, OK, that enjoyed my work and was honored to shake my hand. That is a complete stranger and yet God helped me touch his life, just wow! Just imagine how big this will be when God feels my time is right. I already preach to many on a weekly and monthly basis, and only God knows how many lives I have touched. This poor cop turned preacher and journalist after a brief 20 year Jonah run can not begin to tell you how humbled I am or how I feel some days Im not worthy for the praise I get. I know Im a leader to many, but I now understand while Paul said we all fall short. May I continue to grow this ministry for God and do my best to lead if that is what the good Lord asks of me. I have the best physician working on my body, because if He can raise the dead, who am I to question. ;) 2015 is going to be a time to behold. God bless us all.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:49:41 +0000

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