Well said. Dead on. "There are times, like now, when I just - TopicsExpress


Well said. Dead on. "There are times, like now, when I just listen. White supremacy entitles those of us with racial privileges to “help” in the ways that white supremacy tends to do so – by control and cooptation (for example: many people that say “I am Trayvon Martin” never have been, nor will they ever be, Trayvon Martin). I have read many statements from white folks who intend the best, but really turn their words into a platform for them to publicly distance themselves from racism and white supremacy. Let me be clear – there is no way to distance yourself from the white supremacist system if you are white. The only way to distance oneself from a white supremacist system is to destroy it. By destroy I do not simply mean internally “checking your privilege,” which I’m not sure is an action at all but more of a stopping of action. I mean literally destroy. Refuse to acknowledge this legal system as legitimate. Take down every prison, every courtroom, take the guns and the authority of the state away from every police officer. Disband our colonialist military. To be honest, I don’t see that happening just because you wore a hoodie in your profile picture. In fact, I don’t see that happening at all if there is no accountability for ones own participation in this violence."
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 07:10:33 +0000

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