Well said Helena I had to share this. x Helena Hamilton A bit of - TopicsExpress


Well said Helena I had to share this. x Helena Hamilton A bit of a ramble today but from my soul On the 22 of July 2013 a child was born into an archaic establishment in a democratic society and millions of people celebrated across the world. If this establishment still exists in 80 or so years time, he will be ordained a king of a tiny island by a god few believe in A god we try to prove with guns, bombs and torture, is the only one that exists amongst millions of gods across the world that are worshipped. As a mother myself, I wish Kate well and know the special moment she will enjoy as she bonds with her son. At the same time my heart is in anguish for all those other mothers who mourn the death of their children who died on the same night of preventable disease, hunger and the result of wars we have caused in the name of greed and corruption by the few. On this tiny island of ours 2 million children live below the poverty line, hold that thought Kate as you cuddle your son. In the early hours of the morning I was woken by a storm. It was elemental and beautiful in its ferocity. Nature at its best. Equality of nature. This morning my plants were invigorated and replenished it showed me and you get out of life what you put in. Nature always shows us the way. My plants do not require or care for designer branding. If I water, feed and care for them they give me fruit and flowers. If I do not they die. They do not respond to corruption or lies they do not listen. I spoke to a dear friend yesterday. A soul mate. He is clever and passionate and educated. He has worked for many years but was made redundant a few years ago due to austerity. Now he cannot find employment. There are no jobs in his area. He only lives a few hundred miles away from me. I can drive there in a few hours. I can drive anywhere on this tiny island of ours in a day so why are there huge pockets of deprivation , unemployment and underemployment when a few have so much? Why is there such a divide between the rich and the poor? Why do so few need so much? Does it make you happy? While so many have nothing? You obviously haven’t got what I have. To the BNP and EDL you are wilfully ignorant – get over it and educate yourselves. You are an embarrassment. Have you not learnt the colour of our skin is nature’s clothes given to us over millions of years of evolution to protect us in our environment? Our environment is changing all the time. You need to move with the times. You need to evolve. Austerity has been caused by the greed and corruption of the 1% not the immigrants. The majority of us on this tiny island started as immigrants or marauders. Do your homework. My mother’s heritage is Irish and welsh, my father was adopted we do not where from I therefore I can truly say my nationality is human. From their DNA I have been gifted with an intelligent brain. I willingly use that for the benefit of society. I do not need it to benefit myself. I do not need it to gather synthetic wealth. That does not enrich my life. I do not need to brand myself with designer clothes I leave that for the sheep in the field and the cows in the pasture. I know my identity. I know my soul. It belongs to the planet and to society and is given freely and willingly. This is true socialism. To the 1% we have a message for you. We are coming for you. Not in a violent way. We abhor violence. We will not buy your products. We will not work for you. You are not worthy of our attention. There are other ways better than austerity we know them. These ways work for us. We feel sorry for you. You have no soul. You days are over. We are the 99% in Unity.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 06:15:25 +0000

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