Well said! ....but How does one simply flirt with being a - TopicsExpress


Well said! ....but How does one simply flirt with being a fascist? ...like, you can be sort of a Totalitarian Ruler?! bullshit. Stephen Harper is FULL ON fascist, and if you dont get that then you are watching the wrong news.... please remember: ignorance is a choice. If you want a functioning nation, wake up time is over.... Here- once again- is an incomplete shortlist of harpers blatant, anti-Canadian accomplishments since committing fraud to win a majority election with less than 40% of the popular vote...... Print it out and pass it around.... If you support this government then you clearly DO NOT support Canada or its Peoples: * silence opposition * ignore charters, rights, treaties, and laws * close down processes of due diligence for monitoring social well-being * close down processes of due diligence for monitoring environmental well-being * criminalize protest * privatize public interests * destroy public interest in the process and methodology of good government * lie to win elections * commit fraud to win elections * gerrymander to win elections * remove vital democratic processes from a supposed democratic nation * conduct secret deals with international elitists for control and sale of Canadas resources today and in the future without consent or recourse by The People of Canada * hamstring unions * weaken labour standards * forcibly impose wage restraints on federal and Crown Corporation employees * muzzle/gag federal and Crown Corporation employees * compel EI recipients to accept lower-paid job opportunities * trespass on private lands to obtain resources and incriminate those whom own that land * criminalize and demonize those whom are defending their private property from illegal seizure by private companies * continue to marginalize, malign, and misrepresent Canadas aboriginal population * cut vital social spending in favor of military * increase and privatize prisons in Canada during a time of statistical decreases in major crimes nation-wide while introducing proven failures like mandatory minimum sentencing in to Canadas courts. * take confrontational positions with global superpowers without any consent from The People of Canada * take Canada TO WAR! without proper due diligence, consent, or debate, and AGAINST the wishes of the vast majority of Canadas Peoples. * sell out Canadas public education curriculum to private companies and their clearly vested interests * allow our internal spy agencies to spy on their own people FOR private companies and their clearly vested interests * remain obtuse and utterly unaccountable in the face of their own anti-Canadian villainy, taking no responsibility or care in Canada, its present well-being or that of its people, or Canadas future * clearly be the worst, most criminal, utterly fascist Prime Minister our nation has ever seen in its lifetime by steering Canada on a trajectory that does not benefit the vast majority of its population, its land and resources, or its future in any way, whatsoever
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 14:28:12 +0000

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