Well said, letter writers! Leave Carson Street alone and take - TopicsExpress


Well said, letter writers! Leave Carson Street alone and take care of what NEEDS to be done. And the Eastside has been ignored for too long! What about sidewalks, or lack of, over there? Thank you. Letters to the editor for Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014 Focus efforts to Curry Street Leave Carson Street alone! Instead, make Curry into a cobblestone walking street. Add benches, tables, fountains, areas where impromptu entertainers can perform. More family businesses could open. Street fairs, parties, even some of the side streets could become walking streets where the businesses could expand out onto the street. Unlimited opportunity! But, leave Carson Street alone! Loren Boyles Carson City Downtown is fine the way it is I totally agree with Ms. Williams’ letter of Oct. 8 in the Appeal. She is correct as to the treatment the east side of this town is receiving. Is it just because we are thought to be poorer than people residing in other neighborhoods? Or are we looked down on because some of us own mobile homes instead of houses? If anyone wants to see the difference, just drive around the streets on the east side. I know it isn’t just the east side in need of repair; however, I find it appalling that our streets are in such terrible shape while some are more concerned with changing our downtown image. I personally loved the wrought iron fences that were taken down and I love our downtown as it is right now. I believe if this change had been up to the voters it would never have passed. The only real need of all this is the new animal shelter. Why isn’t there a code enforcement used on the east side? We pay taxes just like everyone else. If you just drive down some of the streets you will see nice well-kept properties and then right next door you will see properties that resemble “junk yards” which reduces the value of the neighbor’s property. We need some laws enforced and maybe others will take some pride in their property. Patty Noll Carson City
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:15:23 +0000

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