Well same story different time . While out on my winter walk along - TopicsExpress


Well same story different time . While out on my winter walk along the river this morning. I thought god how blessed I am as others. Look outside its beautiful. Be thankful for the snow please no complaining there’s not much I have. But for all I have I am thankful my eyes to see all the beauty of the snow. My arms legs feet hands fingers to enjoy the snow activities of the snowy and lovely winter morning walk. So yes gratitude all for all we can do. be thankful at best. You and I hav...e healthy body. Have healthy mind and heart. Warmth of shelter overhead. Food in the fridge water to drink hot tea. For we are all blessed. Be Thank for what you received in your life time .It could be worst. With hunger in the world the sick those with no shelter no medicine. No cloths to stay warm. Yes I think we are blessed. So how about Morning Prayer a wish for those less fortunate than us on this New Year snow day. Pray For a better destiny and future a peaceful day in the world. Peace on earth no more wars those are things we need. Maybe a bit more happiness in the world .so yes I am grateful what I have in life. For all I got. There’s not much I have. But for all I have Im glad to have it. Remember the less fortunate this year in your travels do something for someone else. Keep a healthy body Have healthy mind. Keep the gift of giving. Its more precious than anything. Thank God for what you received in life for its destiny is a head you. . Others have less .For your destiny is a head you my friends. Work for happiness in giving. And keep it in my mind. For life is great and as short .Others have less be thankful. ---YES MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS LET IT SNOW LET IT SNOW---. God bless you all. Going to shovel the snow and enjoy it –see yaw latter okeydokey Jerry cooch
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 23:55:48 +0000

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