Well see what the Detroit News, Rick Snyder and Bobby Schostaks - TopicsExpress


Well see what the Detroit News, Rick Snyder and Bobby Schostaks Republican Party looks like after the election. Today the party has no direction, nor an identity. Saul Alinsky could run as a Republican in Michigan. The Detroit News, Bobby, and Ricky seem to think that their particular brand of centrist to left wing so called conservatives are what Michigans voters will swallow and will hold their noses for at the polls in November. I suspect that that Bobbys latest party building social media campaign is meant to recruit enough confused Democrats to displace the Tea Party, libertarian, independents, and real conservatives who he knows are not going to vote for any lesser of two evil RINOs on any ballot in the future. It’s going to take more than just an “R” in front of their name to get any votes from these folks. The “R” will have to have substance behind it that advocates reducing government DRASTICALLY in scope and cost. The new “Rs” must advocate eliminating programs, agencies, over staffing at all levels, and reducing taxes SUBSTANTIALLY to get their vote. The Detroit News, Rick Snyder, and Bobby Schostak may be very disappointed after November 4, 2014. The present Republican Party in Michigans base isnt large enough to win elections. Their brand of centrist to left wing Republican Party politics is not what the outsiders they need to win and many of their own base want in a political party. They have alienated the very people they need to win. Many of the Tea Party, real conservatives, libertarians, independents and the partys own grass roots are speaking out against the lesser of two evils scheme usually offered by the Establishment Republicans. Their first choice for elective offices will be Tea Party, libertarians, and real conservatives. And since the Detroit News, Rick Snyder, and Bobby Schostak are determined to turn the MRP into the flip side of the liberal Democrat Party these irate former supporters of the Republican Party may just help them do that and vote for Shauer before voting for the man and legislature that gave them this 15 point program that any Democrat would have been proud of: 1. State spending up $7 billion over Granholm, 2.Turned a privately financed international bridge into a government financed boondoggle, 3. Promised Mike Ilitch $400 million to finance a privately owned stadium, 4. Committed millions to the Detroit light rail boondoggle 5. Pledged $300 million to the DIA, 6. Enacted $195 million bail out of Detroit by the Republican state legislature, 7. Turned a privately financed $2 billion make over of Belle Isle into a state funded park instead, 8. Taxed seniors pensions rather than cut spending on obsolete programs, 9. Tried but failed to assist the Democrats in nationalizing Michigan healthcare with the Exchange, 10. Assisted the Democrats and burdened Michigan taxpayers with the $500 million Medicaid Expansion, 11. Would double the gas tax, 11. Would double vehicle registration fees, 12. Would increase the sales tax to 8%, 13. Brought Common Core to Michigan schools & continues to fund it, 14. Created the Local Community Stabilization Authority with unlimited local taxing powers using a spurious and dishonest Prop. 1 PR campaign, 15. Loss of Right to Farm Act protection for small farms in favor of protecting big money corporate farm’s profits. Why would anyone vote for a warmed over Democrat posing as a Republican when Mr. Schauer is the real thing and not warmed over? The liberal Republican Party of Milliken, Romney, Engler and Snyder is on its way out and the sooner the better for the new Republicans and the over burdened tax payers people of the great State of Michigan. The liberal Republican Establishment, pork barrel, moneyed, “Republicans” (RINOs) are in trouble. The new Republicans want the power to go from the precinct delegates and county executive committees up and no longer from the moneyed elitists down.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:29:49 +0000

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