Well since January 10th I have been trying to capture a little - TopicsExpress


Well since January 10th I have been trying to capture a little orange tabby that a neighbor abandoned in my neighborhood in the summer. I saw him roaming around in the fall but didnt realize it was left to fend for itself until he knocked on my patio window door one very cold winter night for food. I feed it for two nights and it disappeared. I realized it was probably on its own since I dont know any responsible pet parent letting their cat roam late at night in below zero weather. From then on I made it my task to capture it. Not an easy task. One night I did get it into my basement, then called a neighbor to find out if she new anything about it and that is when I learned it was indeed abandoned. However it made such a fuss and was so nervous I had let it go into the night against my better judgement. I decided to build a shelter on my patio for it and began leaving food. I wanted to give it some place to go when the temps started to drop to the minus. A week later it knocked on the door again for something to eat early one morning. I feed it but couldnt capture it. That day I bought a cat trap and set it up in the shelter that night. the trapped was tripped but no animal. So being afraid it would be too afraid to come back I began leaving food outside the shelter. Execpt for some dogs eating it, I did not see the little tabby for two days. I NorEaster was coming and it was predicted to dump over a foot of snow and the weather was dropping every night to the minus. I never prayed and hoped so hard for it to come knocking on my door. The night before the storm, he came and sat on my patio looking like he was saying I give up...help me. I opened the door and in he came. I put him in my basement with food, water and a place to sleep. In the morning, after several tries, I got him in the crate and took him to my local humane society. I was allowed to name him. His name is tigger and he is safe and happy and getting medical care for a frost bitten ear and feed and will be up for adoption soon. He is a sweet loving and friendly little guy and I thank the mother earth for helping me save him!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 02:57:12 +0000

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